Back to work!

Felt it was time to get back to the grind this week. Can’t use the facelift as an excuse to take it easy anymore 🙂 Sooo, first taking care of custom video orders. And while the makeup was on, I made sure to make the most of it. I’m too lazy to put makeup on daily, and mostly do it for shoots or when going out. So when the face is painted, you have to get your money’s worth! I don’t think any guys understand or think about this. Guys pretty much take a shower, put some product in their hair, and are ready to go. Girls – shower, shave, moisturize, make up, do hair, select matching bra + panty, choose outfit and 2h later we’re ready to go hahahaaa….

Then Joselyn helped me shoot some of my Psychonaut Explorer clothing.

I also did an interview for the biggest newspaper in Denmark. It was a fun guy who interviewed me and I think it will be a few different articles. He told me something I didn’t know about the Danes. They make fun of the stuff Swede’s do, but then they copy that stuff a year later and do the same thing. One example he brought up was when Sweden wanted to remove gender identities like he or her and everyone was to be called ‘hen’. Danes laughed, but then wanted to apply the same in Denmark.

I have discovered a new amazing restaurant here in Mexico City. They pretty much only serve boar; ribs, tacos, soup etc. and it’s supergood. I also like the fact that the boars live and roam freely until they become food. Not stuck in some small stall and fed antibiotics. It’s called Jabaleria, and I can really recommend the place.

Now sitting writing this at a new cafe I also discovered a couple weeks ago – Fruto De Raiz. The owner has this Shar Pei and he’s so wrinkly and cute.

Yesterday I also let my mind make a trip and it was amazing. One thought/question that entered my mind during this was: am I good person? I kept analyzing this and I think my conclusion is that everyone is good to start with. In my case I believe that most of the ‘bad’ stuff has been conditioned from media. It has to do with having prejudiced thoughts about some things that I really personally haven’t even encountered. It mostly comes from what I’ve read. Most of the time I consider myself a person free of judgment or prejudice, but I realized it’s not completely true. As always these mind explorations are very insightful and teach me something about myself!

I also finished a good sci fi novel – ‘Ender’s Game’ by Orson Scott Card. I’m really bad at writing a short description about what I read, so I copied this text from Wikipedia about the book.

Ender’s Game is a 1985 military science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. Set at an unspecified date in Earth’s future, the novel presents an imperiled humankind after two conflicts with the Formics, an insectoid alien species they dub the “buggers“. In preparation for an anticipated third invasion, Earth’s international military force recruits young children, including the novel’s protagonist, Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, to be trained as elite officers. The children learn military strategy and leadership by playing increasingly difficult war games, including some in zero gravity, where Ender’s tactical genius is revealed.”

I liked the book, but not sure if I will read more books in the series.

Tomorrow it’s been 3 weeks since my surgery and I can start exercising lightly. I miss working out so it’s going to be good.

Until next week 🙂


2 Replies to “Back to work!”

  1. Hej super baben! Det går att ge många komplimanger om din skönhet och ditt otroligt attraktiva utseende! Jag man önskar, ja man önskar… Men för att ge dig något positivt istället för spallt meter med komplimanger och önskningar att vara nära dig så ska jag posta en länk om en positiv musik istället! “Música de Ángeles y Arcángeles “. Kram Dennis


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