
Like I wrote in the previous post, it was busy in Sweden. I wanted to hang with my family and see all of my friends. And squeeze in work…First off was dinner with one of our cousins. Walked home after and I got to witness a beautiful sunset over Stockholm…

Then off to my friend Katrin’s summer house in the Archipelago. It’s on a small island with a few other houses. It’s super relaxing there. Or at least it was until her sister, husband, and their dad with a horde of kids arrived hahhaaa… We thought it would be a great idea to eat by the water as the sun was shining. Well, 15 minutes later it was storming! Typical Swedish summer đŸ˜‰

Katrin isn’t even a Finn, but she has a sauna. Pretty much everyone went in and then swam in the ocean. Can’t think of many things that beat a sauna and swimming after! Spent the night and had a beautiful sunny day the next morning. Chilling by the pool and tried cheating the kids in poker hahhaaa… Then boating back…

Then off to see my friend Linda. Every summer we are pretty much the same gang who gets together for bbq and catch up.

Also did a road trip with Mark and we went up north to Hudiksvall to celebrate our friend Anton. We didn’t say I was coming too, so it was fun surprising him. Very fun party and we all snuggled up to Anton when the guy had enough of the celebration hahhaaa…

When in Sweden, my must have food is meatballs. Had them more than once at the same place đŸ™‚

Hung out with my oldest friend Karina a few times. I’m lucky to have friends with such great places that I can crash when visiting. There’s also a sauna down by the water that we usually put to use, but it was hot enough outside…

One of my favorite places to visit when in Stockholm is Fotografiska (The Contemporary Museum of Photography). My sister likes it too, so we went and saw the Peter Lindbergh exhibition and others.

I also went and checked my hearing. For those who don’t know, I have a hearing aid. This might actually be the first time I’m admitting it hahahaa… Been kind of embarrassed over it for some reason. Anyways, I’ve had it for about 8 years, but I don’t use it a lot. A lot of my friends were pointing out now that they have to repeat themselves often because I don’t hear what they are saying, or I hear something completely different. My hearing has gotten worse, and they adjusted my hearing aid. At the same time they told me that there are new and improved hearing aids now. With bluetooth and a charging case so you don’t need the tiny ass batteries anymore. So that’s on my list to fix now, an upgraded hearing aid. Sexy!

The last weekend in Stockholm, I went to a 90’s music festival with Katrin and some other friends. We wanted to dress in 90’s outfits, but what was the style of the 90’s? I had a mixture of clothes and I had my sister ‘waffle’ my hair. Not sure you call it that in English, but in Swedish it was called ‘vĂ¥ffla hĂ¥ret’ and I’m pretty sure I did that back in the 90’s đŸ™‚

Afterwards we went out. The night ended with someone smoking some strong weed and thinking they’d been drugged. Had to point out that it was weed in a vape they smoked that they somehow completely had missed hahhaaaaa. My last pic in my camera from that night…

It’s always with mixed feelings when I pack up. I always wish I had at least 1-2 more weeks at home.

But then I’m also excited going back and I miss Hunter when I’m gone. I had a couple of interesting ‘work’ meetings while in Stockholm. We are working and polishing the idea now, and the plan is to pitch it in the beginning of September. Fingers crossed đŸ™‚

Smooth flight back and I was happy I had Hunter to jet-lag with đŸ™‚ He might have been more tired than I was…

I now have friends visiting from Puerto Rico which is great. Us girls are going to see the Barbie movie on Friday. Good to be back at the gym and in front of the camera đŸ™‚ Catch ya’ all later!

Kisses, Puma

3 Replies to “Stockholm”

  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. There’s never enough time for a vacation. Your hair looks great for that party!
    Hearing aids are so compact these days. I never knew you had one. I hope the enhanced one works out for you.
    Glad you got snuggles with Hunter. She’s such a cuddly feline!
    Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to the next blog!


  2. Ystävät ja perhe on tosi tärkeitä… Multa kuoli koira…en oo yleensä itkeny kauheesti ees hautajaisissa … Mut nyt oon itkeny siitäkin eestä … Ilman ystäviä ja perhettä ei tälläsistä tilanteista selviisđŸ˜­


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