Pilates, park, bird killer…

Doesn’t feel like anything out of the ordinary happened this week. Some weeks pass and you barely notice it. Like you just got through it… I don’t like that. I like to feel like I accomplished something. I guess that’s just how it is and I need to take a chill-pill šŸ™‚

I did 2 classes of pilates this week which was great.

Got my shooting done…

Guess I was still in Barbie mode and tried to pimp Hunter out in a wig too. He had no wish to play dress up šŸ˜¦

One of the most eventful things this week was Hunter catching a bird. I have no clue how that happened. All of a sudden he was playing with something outside the bedroom when I was reading. He was really wild so I decide I’d go and have a look. I heard cats like to bring you gifts and he seemed very proud showing off the dead birdie. After disposing of the bird and vacuuming up all the feathers, I tried to explain to him that no more gifts are necessary…

But he is so damn cute so he’s forgiven… For some reason he likes to sleep as tight by my butt as possible…

They had an event at the hair salon so I got my hair taken care of…

Spent the time brunching and walking around yesterday until it started pouring down.

I also got dry needling done again and it was as painful as last time. Got a regular massage too and that was pretty much my week. Oh, I also booked a trip to Oaxaca and I’m leaving next Sunday. This time visiting the city and also going to a small town in the mountains called San Jose del Pacifico. Very excited for this because it’s shroom season!!! So my hope is to go out in the woods there and shroom šŸ™‚

OK, hoping for a more eventful week to come šŸ™‚ What do you have going on? Send me some inspiration šŸ™‚

XXX Puma

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