Bride to be…

Ready for my bachelorette party 🙂

Naah, just kidding. Don’t think I’ll ever marry. Never felt the urge or had a wish to walk down the altar. But it was fun pretending for my shoot. And here’s a couple of other sets we shot…

Also finished a custom made Psychonaut Explorer jacket and made Rocio model it. What do you think?

Hit the gym this week and today I did yoga. I realized I need to get more yoga in my life. It’s like trying to make an iron rod bend when I attempt yoga. And it’s not like we get more flexible the older we get…

I’ve started researching places that offer courses in becoming a Psilocybin Service Facilitator. There are a lot of rules on how to practice and go about this. The courses I looked at are only for Oregon and to practice there you have to live there, among other things. I’ve lived all over the place so who knows, I might end up in Oregon 🙂 Also there is a Psychedelic convention in Portland next weekend. Thinking about going…

Also got some more pics from my shoot with Fernando. And a couple of pool pics with me trying to recreate scenes from the movie ‘Splash’ with Daryl Hannah. I was so jelly of her as a kid after I saw the movie, but just look at me now 🙂

I started watching the show ‘Catastrophe’ and it’s super funny so far. Probably going to join Hunter on the couch now and watch a couple of episodes 🙂

OK, adios and catch you next week 🙂

XXX Puma