2022 –> 2023

Sooo, we are almost done with this year. How was your 2022? Any plans or goals for 2023? What was the best thing that happened or that you did this year?

For me a couple of the most memorable things this year were my 2 hikes with my sister in Sweden. Not much beats being outdoors.

Adopting Hunter S Thompson. These pics are from this morning. He just loves getting as close as he can to my face 🙂

The Changa ceremony. I never experienced anything like it and it truly was mind altering.

I always love my trips to LA and seeing my wifey Sandy & her family. I feel like I’m part of their family 🙂 And I loved seeing more of Italy this summer… (and drinking their wine).

Also there was a lot of insightful and mind-bending trips on various ‘medicines’. Finally got to experience Peyote too 🙂

Lastly I’m very proud of launching Psychonaut Explorer.

In 2023 I hope to travel more. To see more of Mexico, and on my bucket list is to hike in Patagonia or Ireland. Maybe a part of Kungsleden in Sweden. It would be amazing to hike on Iceland too 🙂 I know I will do more mind expanding trips too and I have thoughts of obtaining the knowledge from Kambo and Iboga. I’m going to sign up for Spanish lessons again and improve my Spanglish. Continue my work and experimenting with Psychonaut Explorer. I have amazing fans so there will be more pics and videos being made as well. Mostly I hope to stay healthy because then anything can happen 🙂

I forgot to shoot NYE pics for this year so I’m reusing last years content. Being wasteful is so old anyways 😉

That’s it from me this year. I wish you an amazing New Years Eve whatever you get up to and that you’ll have an amazeballs start on 2023!!!

Get ready 2023, here I come!!!!

XXX Puma

2 Replies to “2022 –> 2023”

  1. I hope yr NYE is going well. Looking forward to taking an acid bath – so to speak – tonight.

    “Don’t talk to me about tomorrow. I don’t believe in fairy tales.”

    • Eva Babbitz


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