Shot a bunch…

this week. First time shooting with Fernando and we had so much fun. Here are some behind the scenes pics…

Then the weekly smut got produced…

Shot this amazing set (if I may say so myself) from Psychonaut Explorer and these patched-up jeans…

I went to the gym too, just forgot to take any pics. So busy trying to get those gains 😉

I went to a foot doctor, or whatever they are called, because I have some pain in a joint by the big toe. I don’t even know how to explain what’s going on there, just that he told me to go get custom made soles for my shoes. The soles are going to take the pressure off in the area that’s hurting. Got measured and they made prints of my big-ass feet.

Then I had a couple of phone calls with a psilocybin retreat in Jamaica. I’m going there in the end of May for about a week. I’m so excited as it’s my first time to Jamaica too. Can’t wait to share the experience. And this upcoming week I have a zoom meeting with some people about visiting more retreats. Fingers crossed. I hope that in the future I can host a retreat myself as I love and believe in the power of psychedelics and nature’s medicine 🙂 Any of you guys ever been to something similar?

Here in Mexico City you always run into cute dogs… And pigs 🙂 The pig apparently looks for chewing gum that she loves the owner told me. Sounds yummy 😉

But the cutest of them all is Hunter of course. In the last pic he’s sitting in the shower waiting for me to finish brushing my teeth so we can go to bed 🙂

I guess tomorrow is a holiday almost everywhere. Glad Valborg to Sweden and Hyvää Vappua to Finland. I don’t know what the holidays is called anywhere else. Something Feliz here in Mexico is my guess 🙂 Take care and catch you next Sunday!

XXX Puma

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