Shrooming in Oaxaca

I had a very introspective and insightful trip on magic mushrooms when I was in San Jose del Pacifico. I wanted to find someone to take me picking mushrooms in the woods, but didn’t manage to find anyone. I was recommended a guy who provided the mushrooms and did a little ceremony. We met up in the morning at 10am. Only had a bit of coffee and some fruit before. I was with someone I know and trust, and who also enjoys psychedelics, and the three of us walked to a nearby hotel which was surrounded by beautiful nature and beautiful views. A very relaxing setting which is very important when tripping…

While walking the guide shared a bit how he got into magic mushrooms. His mom had a heart problem. They tried different medicines, but nothing helped. She starting eating magic mushrooms, and 3 years later she didn’t have any more heart issues! She gave gave him mushrooms when he was 12 years old the first time…

We settled at a spot in the forest and laid out blankets and a little ceremonial ‘altar’.

These were our mushrooms, and they had been made into a tea. Before drinking the tea we silently said our intentions for the journey. My intentions were to explore what my fears are. I decided that I would push towards the darkness if it occurs during the trip and find out what’s there…

Our guide had prepped these shrooms and he took a small dose to be in tune with us.

I usually feel the effect of psychedelics fast and I think it’s because I know to just let go and surrender to whatever is coming. Like they say, ‘mushrooms don’t give you what you want, they give you what you need’. This time was no different, and pretty quickly (I think like 20min) I saw the forest glow and flicker. I lied down and closed my eyes. I had very beautiful visuals, and a lot of thoughts and questions passed through my mind. In the beginning I was aware of the forest and where I was, but there was a time where I was just part of and flowing with the visuals.

I had some ‘darkness’ and tried to explore if there was something there that I was afraid of. As soon as I pushed toward it and allowed myself to just be in it, I came out and it was pleasurable and enjoyable.

After about 2h I sat up, had some water, and grabbed my headphones for music. I saw that my friend had left his spot and I will share what happened to him in the end. I lied back down and looked at the trees as the sun was peeking through and hitting my face. I cried and had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. Whatever built-up in my body was released. I got up and went to look at the view and cried a bit more. It wasn’t really out of sadness, but a lot of people I care about passed through my mind…

After about 4 hours the guide and I walked up to this look-out spot. He went to look for my friend. I sat here alone and just took it all in. Also found this note someone had attached and it resonated with me right there…

At this spot and moment it was me at my purest form. Everything peeled off, just empty and breathing. I realized that when I leave this spot different layers of ‘reality’ will be added on top of me. Being among people, work, social media, friends, your daily must do’s and routines… I promised myself that I would try to return to this spot in my mind if I ever need some peace and quiet internally…

The guide came back and said he wasn’t able to find my friend. I wasn’t really worried since I know he is experienced with psychedelics. But still, wanted to make sure he hadn’t fallen or hurt himself in some other way. We asked the reception at the hotel, and they hadn’t seen him. We walked back to where I was staying and asked the reception there, but no sign of him. I got my wifi back and my phone rang. Long story short, my friend walked off and felt he needed to go pee and escape the mosquitos for a bit. He walked by a cabana and just went inside. No one was there so he peed and fell asleep on the bed. He woke up and realised what happened and emerged back to reality LOL…

I like the calm I feel after a strong trip. I sat outdoors and listened to music and danced, thinking about what I saw and felt during the trip.

Still haven’t figured out why I sometimes feel fear. It’s more a feeling and not really related to anything real. Just like stress, it’s usually my mind creating scenarios and there’s not really any real reason to feel stressed.

This was an amazing trip and by night I had the fireplace lit and watched old music videos from the 80’s and 90’s 🙂

I’ve had a fun week and last night ended at W Hotel with a drag show 🙂 Will try to write during the week, but no promises 😉

Kisses, Puma

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