Staycation, health, Xmas

Finally feeling almost back to normal. Even went to a class at the gym yesterday and struggled through it. At night we had dinner with people from the gym. Most people speak Spanish so I did my best to follow along. Luckily there is always someone translating for me when I’m looking completely lost 🙂 Finished the night off with a Mezcal shot!

Oh, and one guy had this awesome tattoo of an alien handing out mushrooms.

Also got a Christmas tree and started decorating last night. I love the feeling of Christmas being around the corner. Hunter inspected the tree, and so far it still standing. Also forced Hunter to pose for some pictures with his Santa hat, and he was less than impressed by that. I’ll show you next week when I’ve chosen the pics where we both are most photogenic 🙂

I went on a small staycation in Coyocán last week. It’s very popular and a lot of tourists visit during weekends. I stayed at Mansión de Papilo. WOW, what a place!

There were peacocks strolling around and a cat or 2. The colors on the male peacocks are so vibrant. The females looked like regular turkeys next to them lol… And they had an albino peacock too!

I got a whole building to myself in the back. It even had this private pool for me. I hope I can go back soon because it was sooo nice and relaxing there. There was a full tree growing out of the bathroom…

I think I accidentally shot a picture of the toilet too, but now you know how that looks too hahahaa…

Before I left for the retreat I had a girl come over and give me a trippy set of nails. I loved them. I would do it all the time if it didn’t take so long. But pretty cool, or what do you think?

After the retreat I was sick and exhausted for a week. I didn’t do much else other than sleep, cuddle with Hunter, or watch movies. A lot of mornings Hunter and I watch the birds outside together 🙂

When I finally felt better it was time to put on some outfits and get to work…

Catched up with Milla, saw this cute dog, a huge spider, and then it’s just the regular selfies 🙂

I bought more lights for my Christmas tree, so I’m gonna throw them up. Tomorrow starting off with the gym and then going to get my hair done. I have Spanish and a dance class this week too, and on Friday I’m having some friends over for some Swedish Christmas foods 🙂 What are you up to?

XXX Puma

11 Replies to “Staycation, health, Xmas”

  1. Glad you had such a good time. Hunter hopefully will get into the Christmas move even a little bit.

    The hotel looked very nice.

    Hopefully you will feel better soon.

    Take care of yourself!



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