Pilates, park, bird killer…

Doesn’t feel like anything out of the ordinary happened this week. Some weeks pass and you barely notice it. Like you just got through it… I don’t like that. I like to feel like I accomplished something. I guess that’s just how it is and I need to take a chill-pill 🙂

I did 2 classes of pilates this week which was great.

Got my shooting done…

Guess I was still in Barbie mode and tried to pimp Hunter out in a wig too. He had no wish to play dress up 😦

One of the most eventful things this week was Hunter catching a bird. I have no clue how that happened. All of a sudden he was playing with something outside the bedroom when I was reading. He was really wild so I decide I’d go and have a look. I heard cats like to bring you gifts and he seemed very proud showing off the dead birdie. After disposing of the bird and vacuuming up all the feathers, I tried to explain to him that no more gifts are necessary…

But he is so damn cute so he’s forgiven… For some reason he likes to sleep as tight by my butt as possible…

They had an event at the hair salon so I got my hair taken care of…

Spent the time brunching and walking around yesterday until it started pouring down.

I also got dry needling done again and it was as painful as last time. Got a regular massage too and that was pretty much my week. Oh, I also booked a trip to Oaxaca and I’m leaving next Sunday. This time visiting the city and also going to a small town in the mountains called San Jose del Pacifico. Very excited for this because it’s shroom season!!! So my hope is to go out in the woods there and shroom 🙂

OK, hoping for a more eventful week to come 🙂 What do you have going on? Send me some inspiration 🙂

XXX Puma

No rest for the ones…

…who like to max out life 🙂

First get the work done, and if work includes skimpy outfits, even better 🙂

Hard to get there, but always a rewarding feeling when done at the gym!

I also felt that I’ve had a tight back, so I went to see the physical therapist. It was so painful to be massaged on some spots, so he suggested dry needling. Never done it and I don’t like needles. Not very pleasant, but damn it felt good afterwards! Going back for more next week 🙂 Look at the video if you have a needle fetish 😉

My hair required some deep treatment so like always, Angel took care of it.

Right before I took off to Sweden, I went to a store close to where I live. I’ve never been there because I thought they only sold lamps. One day I decided to go in and check it out since I pass it a lot. Started to talk with the owner and she’s selling all kinds of fun stuff there. Also clothing. Long story short, I showed her my stuff and she asked me if she can have some items in her store. I gave her some jackets, tops and pants. When I got back from Sweden she texted and said she almost sold everything I gave her. Wohoooo, that’s so cool. So now I’m working on some Mexican themed jackets among other things to give her 🙂

And Hunter felt it was necessary for him to be present and ‘help’ out…

Some friends have been visiting Mexico city too. A really fun couple and their kids from Puerto Rico. On Friday us girls dressed up and went to see the ‘Barbie’ movie. So much fun 🙂

Afterwards we ended up at Chucky Cheese. I love playing their games! Apparently I don’t fit into child seats/chair or whatever they’re called anymore…

Then a late night dinner and the orange wig gave up…

And there’s always coffee and selfies…

Had dinner with Sabrina and her husband too. We are planning some fun things together 🙂 To be revealed soon…

And leftovers…

This about concludes it. Oh, microdosed a couple of times too. Will write a separate post about it because I got some interesting thoughts from it 🙂 OK, let’s see what next week brings on 🙂

XXX Puma


Like I wrote in the previous post, it was busy in Sweden. I wanted to hang with my family and see all of my friends. And squeeze in work…First off was dinner with one of our cousins. Walked home after and I got to witness a beautiful sunset over Stockholm…

Then off to my friend Katrin’s summer house in the Archipelago. It’s on a small island with a few other houses. It’s super relaxing there. Or at least it was until her sister, husband, and their dad with a horde of kids arrived hahhaaa… We thought it would be a great idea to eat by the water as the sun was shining. Well, 15 minutes later it was storming! Typical Swedish summer 😉

Katrin isn’t even a Finn, but she has a sauna. Pretty much everyone went in and then swam in the ocean. Can’t think of many things that beat a sauna and swimming after! Spent the night and had a beautiful sunny day the next morning. Chilling by the pool and tried cheating the kids in poker hahhaaa… Then boating back…

Then off to see my friend Linda. Every summer we are pretty much the same gang who gets together for bbq and catch up.

Also did a road trip with Mark and we went up north to Hudiksvall to celebrate our friend Anton. We didn’t say I was coming too, so it was fun surprising him. Very fun party and we all snuggled up to Anton when the guy had enough of the celebration hahhaaa…

When in Sweden, my must have food is meatballs. Had them more than once at the same place 🙂

Hung out with my oldest friend Karina a few times. I’m lucky to have friends with such great places that I can crash when visiting. There’s also a sauna down by the water that we usually put to use, but it was hot enough outside…

One of my favorite places to visit when in Stockholm is Fotografiska (The Contemporary Museum of Photography). My sister likes it too, so we went and saw the Peter Lindbergh exhibition and others.

I also went and checked my hearing. For those who don’t know, I have a hearing aid. This might actually be the first time I’m admitting it hahahaa… Been kind of embarrassed over it for some reason. Anyways, I’ve had it for about 8 years, but I don’t use it a lot. A lot of my friends were pointing out now that they have to repeat themselves often because I don’t hear what they are saying, or I hear something completely different. My hearing has gotten worse, and they adjusted my hearing aid. At the same time they told me that there are new and improved hearing aids now. With bluetooth and a charging case so you don’t need the tiny ass batteries anymore. So that’s on my list to fix now, an upgraded hearing aid. Sexy!

The last weekend in Stockholm, I went to a 90’s music festival with Katrin and some other friends. We wanted to dress in 90’s outfits, but what was the style of the 90’s? I had a mixture of clothes and I had my sister ‘waffle’ my hair. Not sure you call it that in English, but in Swedish it was called ‘vÃ¥ffla hÃ¥ret’ and I’m pretty sure I did that back in the 90’s 🙂

Afterwards we went out. The night ended with someone smoking some strong weed and thinking they’d been drugged. Had to point out that it was weed in a vape they smoked that they somehow completely had missed hahhaaaaa. My last pic in my camera from that night…

It’s always with mixed feelings when I pack up. I always wish I had at least 1-2 more weeks at home.

But then I’m also excited going back and I miss Hunter when I’m gone. I had a couple of interesting ‘work’ meetings while in Stockholm. We are working and polishing the idea now, and the plan is to pitch it in the beginning of September. Fingers crossed 🙂

Smooth flight back and I was happy I had Hunter to jet-lag with 🙂 He might have been more tired than I was…

I now have friends visiting from Puerto Rico which is great. Us girls are going to see the Barbie movie on Friday. Good to be back at the gym and in front of the camera 🙂 Catch ya’ all later!

Kisses, Puma

Exploring & Tasting PR

I’m continuing to explore Puerto Rico. On my wishlist has been staying at Royal Isabela hotel. I finally booked 2 nights there and all I can say… WOW! The hotel has 20 freestanding casitas and a private beach you can hike down to. My favorite thing to do was to wake up in the morning, sit in my private backyard, drink coffee, and watch the ocean.

On the second morning when tanning by the pool this lizard came strolling by. He drank out of the pool and then strutted along… Maybe my naked butt offended him hahahaaa…

The beach was a 10 minute hike down. It’s a 2 mile long beach and I never saw any other people there. This place is paradise on earth! There were enough Kodak photos ops of the ocean, waves, and palm trees for a lifetime. I tried creating Sports Illustrated photos while wrestling a giant palm leaf… Very fabulous if I may say so myself!

A couple of more pics. The restaurant at the hotel was pretty good too. Great views over the hotels’ golf course, and me throwing down some poses, nothing new there 🙂 Maybe just the new bikini which was probably more suitable to fit a Barbie than a human!

I liked it so much that when checking out, I asked for the next availability. They are very booked, but I got 2 nights in March!

After Isabela we drove down to Rincon. Booked a great Airbnb spot there. Rincon is a chill beach town and supposed to have great surfing if that’s what you’re in to. Found this little farm-to-table spot called Sana and the food was soooo good! I’d eat here every day if I could!

Checked out town at night. Tried a restaurant, but it just felt overrated and overpriced so not going to mention it.

In the morning this cat was peeking in to the airbnb apartment. Me running over instantly offering cuddles, but it mostly seemed to want food… Or maybe he just checked out the weirdo human posing in front of the mirror hahhaaaa….

A new taste experience last week was at a new restaurant that just opened up here in San Juan. Triple WOW on the experience! It’s called Orujo, Taller de Gastronomia. The chef comes out and welcomes you like you’re at home. There’s no menu and he doesn’t tell you how many dishes he’ll serve. Something between 14-20 he said. He told us the story about how he and his wife started serving food to friends first, and how they ended up here with this restaurant. All the dishes were incredible and I will definitely eat here again! My food photography is not the best so check out their IG @orujotaller to see all the cool stuff they make! There’s a pic of baby eels I thought was noodles, until the chef pointed out the ‘noodles’ had tiny eyes!

Read a great classic book and I can see why it’s a famous. “The Day of the Jackal” by Frederick Forsyth. Such an exciting read about how this man was planning to execute the president of France. The planning, details, police work, suspense… If you need a great and exciting book, this is it.

Talking about books. Not sure you know I wrote a book? “My Life as a Pornstar”. Great read if you ask me, hahahaaaa… You can get it on Amazon as a paperback or the Kindle version. I also now signed a deal for it to be released as an audiobook in Finnish too 🙂 Hello, Pulitzer prize anyone?

I have more pics and stuff to write about, but Masha the Russian just called and wants to go paddle-board and I need a tan so bye for now…

Hugs, Puma