Highlights of 2023

Thinking back on 2023 and trying to summarize it with a couple of words. What comes to mind is adventure and experiences. I also have some questions about my direction and where I’m headed. Still can’t answer that one hahhaaaa… I love to travel and being in nature, so I hope 2024 includes that. I also hope I get to be healthy so I can keep exploring and experiencing!

Here are a few highlights from last year…

Visiting Patagonia in Argentina in February. Stayed in Bariloche and it was beautiful. Surrounded by water and nature. Also visited the little town El Bolsón where I would spend more time in if I visited again.

It was weird travelling and being in a country with such high inflation. You paid double for things if you paid with a card. To get cash you had to wire it to yourself and then line up at Western Union to get it.

Went to a wedding of a good friend in Palm Desert. Everything was kept off social media so I couldn’t post pics of the beautiful groom & bride. I really enjoyed Palm Desert and hope to go back.

After Palm Desert I went to LA and my sister came too from Sweden. We stayed with Sandy and her family so I got the good stuff all at once, family & friends while visiting LA. Took advantage of Sandy’s make up skills and got some work done too… I’m trying to plan a trip to LA asap to see Sandy as I miss her a lot!

In April I visited Puerto Escondido here in Mexico for the first time. Wow, what a cool beach town. Not busy and developed like Tulum. Very chill and relaxed. Would definitely go back here too 🙂

In May I went to the Mycelia Retreat in Jamaica. Definitely one of the top experiences in 2023 that made a big impact on me. Such a beautiful time with mushrooms and an amazing group of people. I hope to host my own retreat this year. Let me know if you’re interested in coming 🙂

In June it was time for a yearly hike up north in Sweden for my sister and I. 3rd year in a row and we plan to keep this going. This time we did the first part of the Kings Trail. 6 days and 5 nights and we loved every day of it!

In August I visited Oaxaca the city. Very beautiful. Drove to the small village called San Jose del Pacifico. It was mushroom season and had a great mushroom trip out in the woods there.

In October it was time for Medellin in Colombia. First time trying paragliding and another mushroom trip 🙂

And the last adventure of the year went to San Miguel de Allende. That trip included trying Kambo and San Pedro for the first time. Very powerful and intense experience.

Not to forget, Hunter celebrated 1 year as a new family member. I love him so much 🙂

Soooo, how about you? Got goals, direction or things you want to do/achieve in 2024? I hope you gotten a fabulous start to this new year!

XXX Puma

Shrooming in Oaxaca

I had a very introspective and insightful trip on magic mushrooms when I was in San Jose del Pacifico. I wanted to find someone to take me picking mushrooms in the woods, but didn’t manage to find anyone. I was recommended a guy who provided the mushrooms and did a little ceremony. We met up in the morning at 10am. Only had a bit of coffee and some fruit before. I was with someone I know and trust, and who also enjoys psychedelics, and the three of us walked to a nearby hotel which was surrounded by beautiful nature and beautiful views. A very relaxing setting which is very important when tripping…

While walking the guide shared a bit how he got into magic mushrooms. His mom had a heart problem. They tried different medicines, but nothing helped. She starting eating magic mushrooms, and 3 years later she didn’t have any more heart issues! She gave gave him mushrooms when he was 12 years old the first time…

We settled at a spot in the forest and laid out blankets and a little ceremonial ‘altar’.

These were our mushrooms, and they had been made into a tea. Before drinking the tea we silently said our intentions for the journey. My intentions were to explore what my fears are. I decided that I would push towards the darkness if it occurs during the trip and find out what’s there…

Our guide had prepped these shrooms and he took a small dose to be in tune with us.

I usually feel the effect of psychedelics fast and I think it’s because I know to just let go and surrender to whatever is coming. Like they say, ‘mushrooms don’t give you what you want, they give you what you need’. This time was no different, and pretty quickly (I think like 20min) I saw the forest glow and flicker. I lied down and closed my eyes. I had very beautiful visuals, and a lot of thoughts and questions passed through my mind. In the beginning I was aware of the forest and where I was, but there was a time where I was just part of and flowing with the visuals.

I had some ‘darkness’ and tried to explore if there was something there that I was afraid of. As soon as I pushed toward it and allowed myself to just be in it, I came out and it was pleasurable and enjoyable.

After about 2h I sat up, had some water, and grabbed my headphones for music. I saw that my friend had left his spot and I will share what happened to him in the end. I lied back down and looked at the trees as the sun was peeking through and hitting my face. I cried and had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. Whatever built-up in my body was released. I got up and went to look at the view and cried a bit more. It wasn’t really out of sadness, but a lot of people I care about passed through my mind…

After about 4 hours the guide and I walked up to this look-out spot. He went to look for my friend. I sat here alone and just took it all in. Also found this note someone had attached and it resonated with me right there…

At this spot and moment it was me at my purest form. Everything peeled off, just empty and breathing. I realized that when I leave this spot different layers of ‘reality’ will be added on top of me. Being among people, work, social media, friends, your daily must do’s and routines… I promised myself that I would try to return to this spot in my mind if I ever need some peace and quiet internally…

The guide came back and said he wasn’t able to find my friend. I wasn’t really worried since I know he is experienced with psychedelics. But still, wanted to make sure he hadn’t fallen or hurt himself in some other way. We asked the reception at the hotel, and they hadn’t seen him. We walked back to where I was staying and asked the reception there, but no sign of him. I got my wifi back and my phone rang. Long story short, my friend walked off and felt he needed to go pee and escape the mosquitos for a bit. He walked by a cabana and just went inside. No one was there so he peed and fell asleep on the bed. He woke up and realised what happened and emerged back to reality LOL…

I like the calm I feel after a strong trip. I sat outdoors and listened to music and danced, thinking about what I saw and felt during the trip.

Still haven’t figured out why I sometimes feel fear. It’s more a feeling and not really related to anything real. Just like stress, it’s usually my mind creating scenarios and there’s not really any real reason to feel stressed.

This was an amazing trip and by night I had the fireplace lit and watched old music videos from the 80’s and 90’s 🙂

I’ve had a fun week and last night ended at W Hotel with a drag show 🙂 Will try to write during the week, but no promises 😉

Kisses, Puma

Oaxaca & San Jose del Pacifico

Wow, what a trip. Oaxaca City is truly as amazing as everyone says. I visited Puerto Escondido earlier this year which is part of the Oaxaca state that I also loved. The best part is that it is only about an hour flight from Mexico City.

Arrived and checked in at Pug Seal Hotel that a friend had recommended. Very cool design, artsy and it’s in the middle of everything…

No time to waste and being hungry, I picked a restaurant from a list that another friend of mine had compiled with recommendations for Oaxaca. Went to Casa Oaxaca and yum yum yum, everything was delicious. Especially the lobster 🙂 I also like that they prepare the guacamole and salsa in front of you and ask how picante you want your salsa to be.

Also necessary to get the caffeine fix. Kiyo Cafe was my spot and they also had a little store with locally made stuff…

The town is beautiful and colorful. Little specialty shops, cafes, and lots of bars and restaurants.

I love mezcal and tried some drinks at Sabina Sabe. Muy bueno!

Called it a night after that…

Next day I had breakfast at the hotel. Oh, and since I’m a bit restless at times and can’t just sit and do nothing, I thought – why not swing a little before breakfast arrives…

Next door to the hotel they had this supercool shop called Peyote People. They have art inspired by peyote and made by locals. I have tried a bit of peyote and I will hopefully get to participate in a full ceremony with it soon…

Then picked up a rental car and the destination was the mushroom town San Jose del Pacifico. The town is known for magic mushrooms and I think Vice made a show about this town once…

Checked in at Casa Elba. Supercute place with different style cabanas surrounded by nature.

It was walking distance to town which is very small and charming.

Decided on an early dinner at an Asian restaurant called Tatsu. It was a bit further up from town and the view and sunset from there was beautiful! Spicy and good food too.

Breakfast at the hotel with the company of these 2 pugs that lived there 🙂

Needed more coffee and walked to town. It’s pretty cool because pretty much all of the time you are above the clouds.

The best coffee shop is Oaxacid. People are very friendly here and like to talk about the town, magic mushrooms and anything else you want. Met an interesting guy while drinking coffee. He said he’s been a ‘wanted’ person and came to San Jose del Pacifico and hid here. During Covid he made some controversial video and people with machetes were looking for him in town. Luckily it started raining and that was apparently a sign from the gods that he should not be harmed. Luckily everything had cooled down now and he could roam free. Very interesting conversation…

Decided to check out the next town over called San Mateo Rio Hondo. The road kept getting smaller and narrower until it pretty much was a dirt track. Arrived in town and it was pretty much one lane streets so decided to park, walk, and see what I could find…

I was looking for a bakery, but Google maps was not very accurate here. Saw some smoke coming from a house and though there might be a bakery located there. I was right, but apparently not the bakery I was looking for. But I got to meet this great lady and her husband that baked and sold bread to stores in nearby towns/villages. They had a clay oven with a fire where they baked it all.

Headed back after about an hour and half. Found a restaurant on the way back and since I didn’t find the bakery I decided I might as well fill up with proper food instead of sugar 🙂 This guy had just picked these chanterelles and I love them. Ordered all my food with chanterelles and my favorite was this cheese with the mushrooms on top – wow!

This restaurant was by a hotel called ‘Hotel Boutique y Cabanas Alto La Sierra’. It looked nice and they were just adding more cabanas and of course they were decorated with mushroom art 🙂

When I walked into the town I spotted this sign about magic mushrooms. I decided to hike up the short little path to a small house. There was a lady hanging up laundry and I asked if she was the one selling shrooms. Yes it was and she showed me what she had…

I did a magic mushroom ceremony the next day. I will make a different post about it because it was an amazing and a very insightful trip!

At night I ate at an italian place called La Taberna Los Duendes. Like everywhere, there were designs inspired by mushrooms. The entrance, cheese plate, napkin holder etc. Food was really good and you got huge portions. I ate here after my mushroom trip as well. How cute is my mushroom hat that I bought?

The day after my shroom trip I had a relaxed morning and shopped for some mini knitted mushrooms from this lady to put on a Psychonaut Explorer jacket I’m planning to make 🙂

Then headed back to the city. It’s about an 2.5 hour drive depending on the traffic. Stopped at one of the road side markets as well. They all sell mushroom artifacts. Or actual mushrooms 🙂

One tip, if you decide to head out to San Jose del Pacifico, bring cash! Not all places accept card payments and there are no ATM’s.

Checked in at my airbnb which had a private little pool. Of course I made the most of it while there 🙂

Next up was a food tour to taste some local flavours and mezcal. Very tasty and almost drunk when finishing up hahahaaa….

Next day I met up with a group to go visit Hierve el Agua. It’s about an 1,5h drive away and it is a set of natural travertine rock formation. I thought it was hot springs, but learned it’s not. These are mineral springs and I thing the guide said the only other one exists in Turkey. Very cool!

I had spotted this awesome pottery store the day before and went there after the tour was done. I could’ve bought half the store because the stuff was amazing. It was pretty expensive and I settled for 2 mugs. This one with mushrooms and another one with a mouth and pill on the tongue. I wish it would’ve been an acid tab instead 😉

Also found this guy and he had a screenprint that reminded me of my mushroom trip so I bought it…

Changed up and went to have a semi private tasting experience at Crudo. Wow! It was sushi, but with added Oaxacan flavors. If you have to pick one place in town to eat, eat here! We were only 6 people, but they also have a restaurant where you can eat.

That pretty much concluded my Oaxaca & San Jose del Pacifico trip. I’m pretty sure I will go back as I had the best time. I can really recommend visiting here! I will write about my mushroom journey too 🙂 Here are some left over pics…

Hope you are doing great. Anyone still on vacation? Me? I’m off to ship a pair of heels someone won in an auction and then working out. Also did an interview for the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet this morning 🙂 Oh, and I’m trying to manage my 3rd day without sugar, bread, pasta and chips. Very hard but I’m determined to make it at least a week!

Hugs, Puma


I’m off to Oaxaca tomorrow so I thought that I’d caffeinate myself and get this post up today instead.

I told you I’d write about my microdose experiences, and this is a bit of a journal of the mental expedition my mind did the last few times I microdosed. 

What would make my life perfect? Or like what is a perfect life for me. How happy am I? Where and how would I live? What would I be doing with my time? What do I enjoy doing the most now? I have been pondering on these questions since then and my conclusion (for the moment) is at the end.   

When microdosing or tripping on a larger dose, my thoughts usually involve nature and how much I love being outdoors. Either in the woods or having access to a lake/ocean. I usually think that is something I need to prioritize in my life. I start thinking that I should live in the woods or on the beach. When I then start thinking on how to make it happen, it turns out that a Tarzan-like lifestyle sounds amazing, but I realize pretty quickly that I’d get bored. I obviously go to the extremes in my plans to live completely remote, self sustained etc… So where’s the middle ground in all of this?

I think about how I use my time. Sometimes I fantasize that I shouldn’t have any ‘musts’ in my life. I can just wake up and be free to do whatever I want without thinking about earning or needing money. My thoughts go to painting, photography, and reading… I realized that I do enjoy being in front of the camera and creating content though. If I did all of my hobbies, just for fun, I think I would feel unfulfilled. I need some ‘musts’ in my life to be able to enjoy doing the things that are more of a hobby. 

My mind can bounce to shallow things like my looks. One minute I’m all self-loving and accept myself just as I am. But I don’t accept myself thaaaat much, that I would give up on Botox. Other times I feel that I need to do all I can to look my best and consider eyelid surgery and if it’s too late for me to get butt implants hahhaaaa…

I consider how important social media is in my life. I think I’d feel more liberated if I didn’t feel the need to take pics or have to post as much. 

Things… Sometimes I imagine a life with only the necessary things that I really need. But in reality I’m a bit of a hoarder. I love things. Tacky and kitsch, shiny and bright, weird and of no use at all…

Money… How much money is enough? Is my happiness tied to money? Sometimes I feel like a minimalist and that I’m good as is. Other times I fantasize about having millions. Or even billions and plot plans how to achieve that.. 

For now I have come up with something that I think would be the perfect life with maxed out happiness. I would buy a farm of some kind. I would rescue animals and invite people who needed relaxation, presence of animals, and nature to come and visit. The place would also function as a psychedelic retreat for cosmic astronauts 🙂


Sooo, who else is a cosmic astronaut here?

Very excited to go to Oaxaca tomorrow. Heard so much about it. In Spanish August is Agosto, but because the mushrooms grow now they call it Hongosto. My hope is to go and pick shrooms while I’m there 🙂 I just need a guide to tell which ones I can actually consume 🙂

XXX Puma

Pilates, park, bird killer…

Doesn’t feel like anything out of the ordinary happened this week. Some weeks pass and you barely notice it. Like you just got through it… I don’t like that. I like to feel like I accomplished something. I guess that’s just how it is and I need to take a chill-pill 🙂

I did 2 classes of pilates this week which was great.

Got my shooting done…

Guess I was still in Barbie mode and tried to pimp Hunter out in a wig too. He had no wish to play dress up 😦

One of the most eventful things this week was Hunter catching a bird. I have no clue how that happened. All of a sudden he was playing with something outside the bedroom when I was reading. He was really wild so I decide I’d go and have a look. I heard cats like to bring you gifts and he seemed very proud showing off the dead birdie. After disposing of the bird and vacuuming up all the feathers, I tried to explain to him that no more gifts are necessary…

But he is so damn cute so he’s forgiven… For some reason he likes to sleep as tight by my butt as possible…

They had an event at the hair salon so I got my hair taken care of…

Spent the time brunching and walking around yesterday until it started pouring down.

I also got dry needling done again and it was as painful as last time. Got a regular massage too and that was pretty much my week. Oh, I also booked a trip to Oaxaca and I’m leaving next Sunday. This time visiting the city and also going to a small town in the mountains called San Jose del Pacifico. Very excited for this because it’s shroom season!!! So my hope is to go out in the woods there and shroom 🙂

OK, hoping for a more eventful week to come 🙂 What do you have going on? Send me some inspiration 🙂

XXX Puma

Puerto Escondido

Puerto Escondido was way better than I had expected. Such a chill and relaxed place. I guess it wasn’t always as people used to party there a lot, being loud, and staying up late. But they have changed the rules and most places now close at 11. Suited me just fine 🙂

It was also a lot hotter than I expected. First thing after checking in was jumping in my private plunge pool and cooling off 🙂

I stayed at Villa Lunaya by Zicatela beach. Someone had written in the reviews that they spent most of the time in the plunge pool. I did the same. It was the best part of staying there 🙂 But the place is really great and I’d stay there on my next trip as well. Only 4 rooms and nice design. Oh, and they have AC!!!

The location is great too. It’s on a quiet side street, but the beach is around the corner. Literally 2 mins away 🙂 So after cooling off in the pool I headed to the beach and watched the surfers in the sunset.

Decided to get sushi for dinner at Sommo. Charming place, but unfortunately the sashimi was expensive with not a lot of flavor. The seaweed salad and some special with truffle and foie gras was great though.

I was still hungry after and found these two guys flipping burgers on the street. My type of dinner and the burger was delicious.

Sometimes (a lot of times) I’m a bit restless. Or if I don’t burn off some of my energy I get antsy… What’s better than a barefoot walk on the beach?

And after that, guess what? COFFEE! As if the location couldn’t get any better, there is an awesome coffee/breakfast place just around the corner as well – Ojitos Abiertos. I was there every morning 🙂

Checked out the town after. Mostly one main street with shops, restaurants, and cafes.

There was a lot to choose from when it came to eating. There is this popular and tasty fish shack tucked away in an alley. You sweated your ass off, but the food was worth it!

Another great spot was a place right next to the cafe – La casa del surfer. Freshly caught fish for the huge fish tacos! Go early because they sell out of the fish later…

Everyone recommended the Thai restaurant called Lychee. I love Thai food and the food here tasted pretty authentic. And I spotted this beautiful red cat there that reminded me of Hunter. He was not so interested in me though 😦

No trip is complete without some work! I found a local photographer on Instagram and we booked a shoot. Even though we were out at 8am, my makeup was melting off faster than you can say caliente! I’m waiting for the final pictures. Touched up so I look non-sweaty and flawless like a true IG model 😉 Here’s some BTS pics though…

I had a feeling after that I might have a UTI. Since I had booked a tour for the next day, I didn’t want to risk not being able to go so I decided to call a doctor over. I love how simple doctors visits are over here. I just WhatsApp’ed him, filled out a form and questionnaire and an hour later he was over. Turns out it false alarm, but better safe than sorry 🙂

So next day it was time to check out some crocodiles. Had a private tour guide and we drove about 1.5h south. He told me this place is run by the neighborhood community here.

I try to be aware of places with animals and make sure they’re not in cages or used for performing tricks etc. Since they had these deers in an enclosure I asked why. He told me that they used to hunt and eat them (and turtles) and they almost became extinct. They now realized that they can’t continue like this and these are ‘preserved’ and bred so they can have more of them in the wild in the future…

On the way to the boats there were a few stands that advertised magic mushrooms, mezcal with Peyote, and other fun stuff. Had to check it out and I asked how it was possible for them to just sell it like this in the open. If I understood him right, it’s legal there. I bought a mezcal with a magic shroom in it 🙂

After sweating so much on the tour I said we have to go to the beach next. I was dropped off at Zipolite Beach. After looking around a bit and deciding where I wanted to plant myself down, I spot a group of naked guys. I asked the guide if this was the nude beach all excited.

-“Didn’t you say you wanted to come here” he asked confused.

– “Siii”! I just though he would’ve said something, but whatever, I was happy! He left me there and said he’ll be back in 2 hours to collect me 🙂

Apparently this is the only fully legal nudist beach in all of Mexico.

Afterwards he took me to the little hippie town Mazunte. Wow, what a cool place. Even more chill than Zicatela. I would like to stay here a couple of days next time too.

Another beach I saw while we were out… I guess there was not that many people on this beach so the lifeguard had time to do some fishing too 🙂

Great day. Finished it up with dinner at this restaurant SHA with Oaxacan food. Ate here twice and my favorite dish was the seafood tlayudita. It’s something local, but damn how tasty!!!

Some more pics of whatever else that caught my eye. This little local cat family for example 🙂

The flight back to Mexico City was at 10:30pm. Luckily I was able to pay for a check-out at 6pm so I spent the day in the plunge pool and on the beach…

Last dinner before heading back to the airport at Atarraya. Very nice place and the spicy pineapple mezcal drink was muy bueno! Had to have 2 🙂

And before I say bye I want to give recommendation for all the fellow travellers out there. I travelled with only a carry on. I have had this bag for about 7 years and it has travelled the world with me and it is still in perfect condition. There are so many pockets and compartments so everything stays organised. I’m not getting paid for this, but truly just love this bag for travel and want to recommend it 🙂 (www.ebags.com)

Flight home was delayed an hour, but the flight between Puerto Escondido to CDMX is only an hour and 15 min so no stress… Really great vacation and I’m pretty sure I will visit again 🙂

XXX Puma

Work, Party, Veins…

I feel like I got a lot of good work done these 2 weeks. I’m still working on this site, but a little stuck right now. Shot some Psychonaut Explorer stuff. Recruited the beautiful Elisa to model too 🙂

Trying to cut out my own text from these rhinestone sheets. Not the smoothest thing, but I like the result…

And then showed off my modeling skills. Hello America’s Next Top model…

And then the stuff that’s been making (most) people happy since 19XX …

I was invited to a party called Bresh on Friday with Dyana. Can’t believe I used to party and after party until the next day. Now I was happy eating tacos at 3am before going to sleep not being totally f*cked up . I think it’s called getting old 😦

Also feels good to be back at the gym. I didn’t work out while in LA, and then I was kind of sick for a week after. Damn it’s hard to get started again… ugh!

And not to forget Hunter S Thompson. I call him King of the Castle and he pretty much gets whatever he wants 🙂

Since he was living in the woods before I got him, I think he might of hurt his back legs at some point. He kind of just leaves them ‘hanging’ and the just plays with the front legs. Sometimes I also suspect he just might be a little lazy…

I found an awesome doctor here in Mexico City. He treats my shallow spider-veins on the legs with laser and injections. Tiny bit painful, but as we say in Swedish Рvill man vara f̴r man lida pin!

Other than this stuff I got a hair treatment, chilled in the park, and enjoyed some morning coffee in bed 🙂

Tonight I’m going to see the new John Wick movie. Also looking to plan a trip to Puerto Escondido. Everyone here says it is beautiful there and I miss the beach! And if anyone here has done overnight and multi day hiking in Switzerland, Slovakia, Norway or Finland, hit me up with recommendations please 🙂

Now, go on and have a great day!

XXX Puma