Ja Mon…

OK, I’m going to attempt to talk about my week in Jamaica. A short summary would be – amazing, magical, fun, and when can I go back? 

But here’s the longer version in case someone else is interested in trying a psilocybin retreat.

Before going I filled out an intake form. Questions like: ‘Are you on any medication? Any trauma in my life? Expectations?’ Etc… I personally haven’t experienced any big trauma in my life. I always trust the medicine (in this case psilocybin) to take my awareness to where it needs to go… I had a Zoom call with the facilitator Evelyn, where I could ask questions and talk about any concerns I might have. 

On Friday the 26th it was finally time to fly to Jamaica. Uber picked me up at 3am. Flight to Miami and then connecting to Montego Bay landing around 1.30pm. Long line in customs. I got picked up by Troy who runs Mycelia Retreat and Chuck, another guy participating.

We stopped and ate some jerk pork on the way. Soo tasty!

It was about a 2 hour ride from the airport to Osho Rios. We checked in at Sago Palm. We then went to the hotel Sand & Tan, what they called the ‘Sister Retreat’. Justin, another participant, joined us there. We watched the sunset and had dinner before going back and catching some sleep.

Saturday 27th

Had breakfast on my own at the hotel. Since the rest of the participants were arriving later, I walked to the beach after breakfast. On the way there I was offered free lunch, getting my hair braided, and weed hahahaa… People were really friendly and a lady I talked to walked me to the beach. For $10 you got a beach chair and umbrella… A guy on the beach offered fishing tours and snorkeling on his boat and when I kindly declined, -”But how about some weed”. I learned that everyone’s last offer was always weed LOL…

At 1.30 we got picked up at the hotel and went to the main villa where you stay during the retreat. Wow, what a place….

A massage was included and Keela massaged so well I fell asleep.

By the time I woke up, the four other participants had arrived. Seemed like very nice people. Troy picked us up Indian food for dinner and everyone sat talking and getting to know each other. Slept like a baby in my big room 🙂

Sunday 28th. 

Coffee was at 8am. At 9am, Marcel, our fabulous chef, served fresh fruit and a porridge made of ground plantain and peanuts with local honey. At 10am we were introduced to Mama Orah, our yoga teacher. I had expected a strenuous class, but it was the best yoga in my life. I think she said her practice was more African style. Very relaxed, slow movements, breathing while she shared a lot of wisdom. We were all blown away after. The last picture of Mama Orah just captures how cool and fun she is!

Marcel served us a delicious lunch after and we had some free time. Other people got their massages and most of us lounged by the pool. 

Around 1.30 there was a group meeting with Evelyn, our facilitator. Some people didn’t have much experience with psilocybin so questions and concerns were answered. I never did psychedelics in a group setting and was curious how other people’s energies and experiences on shrooms were going to affect my trip. 

Around 3pm we were driven to the nearby beach, Sugar Pot. Not a lot of people there and we picked a spot under some trees. We were given 2 gummies that had about 1,5gr of psilocybin in total. This was an introductory dose so that everyone was eased into it. 

Everyone eventually wanted to be on the beach so we moved the chairs there. We were swimming, listening to music, talking and laughing. It was very relaxed and I felt the group coming together more and more.

Very light trip and I only had light visuals when closing my eyes. I think it was a great idea to start with a lighter trip to see how everyone was handling it and bonding people together. We left after about 4 hours and were cracking up with laughter in the car riding back. At the villa Marcel had cooked us a delicious dinner with jerk chicken, bone in chicken, vegetables and rice with beans. Then everyone sat around talking about their observations while tripping. Such a great and fun day!

Monday 29th

I was having coffee around 8 and people dropped in after they woke up. At 10am we had another great yoga session with Mama Orah. Slow moving, breathing and feeling your body. Mama Orah told us she would be joining us at the jungle ceremony too wohooo… We all loved her presence! After lunch we settled for another group talk. Evelyn told us what was planned for the jungle ceremony. We talked about our intentions for the ceremony. I shared that I want to give myself acceptance. I don’t have to be busy or creating something for my time to be considered valuable. I’m not wasting my life or time by reading, napping, or doing something that is not work. 

It was very interesting to hear people share. We were also introduced to Jordan who is a psychedelic guide. He also has been cross breeding strains to create what he believes is a great mushroom strain to take in the jungle setting. The sweetest and most humble guy. His family owns the property in the jungle where we were going.

I watched the mushrooms being prepared for tea.

I packed a bag with bug spray, head lamp, a sweater, pants and a scarf, and around 3pm we were all packed up and ready to head out. About an hour ride into the jungle and in the end it was just 2 tracks for the car tires. We parked and were given 3 mushroom chocolates that were about 2gr of psilocybin in total. It was about a 20min walk down to ‘our’ spot.

I’ve heard how amazing it was supposed to be down there, but I was blown away. First we went to a place by the river where we could get into the water. It was crystal clear and cold.

I was already feeling the mushrooms and felt so at peace in the surrounding nature. Hearing birds and crickets. Then we moved out to another spot they had set up with lounge chairs. We were in a circle and we got served the mushroom tea. Everyone passing a cup to the next person after giving it a blessing or whatever you felt like passing on in silence. The jungle became 3D for me. I was feeling so good. I tend to get very relaxed and prefer to lay down. I asked for a yoga mat and laid down. I put my scarf over me and cocooned up. I had such beautiful visuals. Not seeing them, but being part of them. Sometimes I was brought back by hearing the group around me. Mama Orah sometimes played a drum or sound bowls. Then it was all dark and and the fireflies came out and surrounded us. I thought they would be small flies lit up, but they looked more like birds on fire. It was so beautiful watching them. I wish I could’ve filmed it, but I wanted to stay in the moment. I remembered thinking that I never want to leave this spot…

After the effect of the mushrooms subsided, we moved up under the ‘dome’ made up from bamboo trees and watched the fire. I felt so happy. People were talking and processing their experience. It started to rain and Troy handed out umbrellas.

I think we were down there for about 5h before heading back to the villa. Marcel had prepared us soup and one by one we dropped back into our rooms. I felt drained and fell asleep without even a shower…

Tuesday 29th

Everyone talked about their journeys in the jungle during breakfast. Mama Orah came and gave us our last yoga class. I consider her to be one of the best things I experienced here. At the end of class we all just laid down and Mama Orah covered us with blankets. It was pouring rain and we all just took it in. 

This being the 3rd day, it was optional if you wanted to have another journey. In the morning I felt that I probably wasn’t going to because the jungle ceremony had been so great. But then I decided I wanted to. I drank a cup of mushroom tea around 7pm. I felt it kick  in so fast and chose a secluded spot by the pool on my own. Again I had such beautiful visuals and I was listening to music in my ear buds. At one point I tried to join people by the table, but my body and head told me I wasn’t done. I laid down again and let go… Lot of thoughts of my family, friends and people in my life that I care about and love. When I emerged from my trip, I saw that I was alone. I felt like everyone had abandoned me at first.. But then I realized that everything was good. I put my earbuds in again and started moving slowly to the music. First came tears. Not feeling sad, but it felt like I was releasing something from my body. I then put on disco music and started really dancing. I felt like I had so much energy. I danced until I was soaked in sweat. I probably went at it for an hour.

Then I sat down and just felt at peace… another guest named John came out for snacks and we sat talking for a bit before going to bed. My favorite part of this trip was the dancing at the end…  

Wednesday 30th

The retreat was officially over, but most of us had decided to stay a couple of more days. We checked in at Sand & Tan and I’m so happy I got to spend more time with the group.

A diverse group of people with different backgrounds, life experiences, and reasons why they had come here, but we all bonded together. We were lounging by the water,swimming,eating and paddleboarding.

We had dinner with Troy, Evelyn, and John at night on the dock. Talking about all the cool stuff we will remember. There was even talk about a reunion and I really hope that would happen since I would totally go back!

On Thursday John and I went floating down a river. Pretty relaxing except for when our ‘guide’ decided to sing very loud hahahaa…

Of course there was someone selling weed in the middle of it all too.

Also had time to hit the market in Osho Rios.

I styled up in Jamaican colors that night with my new outfit 🙂

And look at this superb cup I got from Roby, one of the participants. I think I had mentioned something about ‘size matters’ and possibly #tittytuesday hahahaaa…

Had time to catch a last breakfast with the group before a driver took me to the airport. Flights were smooth and landed back in Mexico around 8pm. 

It truly was one of the best experiences ever! The location, people, jungle, the trips… I wouldn’t change a thing and I believe I will go back. Reunion or not 🙂 And if any of you are looking for a retreat, I highly recommend Mycelia Retreat! <—– If curios, click the link and register and you can win a 4-day retreat 🙂 Here are some more pics…

And the best thing about coming home? Cuddles with Hunter 🙂

Remember, one love!

XXX Puma

Bride to be…

Ready for my bachelorette party 🙂

Naah, just kidding. Don’t think I’ll ever marry. Never felt the urge or had a wish to walk down the altar. But it was fun pretending for my shoot. And here’s a couple of other sets we shot…

Also finished a custom made Psychonaut Explorer jacket and made Rocio model it. What do you think?

Hit the gym this week and today I did yoga. I realized I need to get more yoga in my life. It’s like trying to make an iron rod bend when I attempt yoga. And it’s not like we get more flexible the older we get…

I’ve started researching places that offer courses in becoming a Psilocybin Service Facilitator. There are a lot of rules on how to practice and go about this. The courses I looked at are only for Oregon and to practice there you have to live there, among other things. I’ve lived all over the place so who knows, I might end up in Oregon 🙂 Also there is a Psychedelic convention in Portland next weekend. Thinking about going…

Also got some more pics from my shoot with Fernando. And a couple of pool pics with me trying to recreate scenes from the movie ‘Splash’ with Daryl Hannah. I was so jelly of her as a kid after I saw the movie, but just look at me now 🙂

I started watching the show ‘Catastrophe’ and it’s super funny so far. Probably going to join Hunter on the couch now and watch a couple of episodes 🙂

OK, adios and catch you next week 🙂

XXX Puma

Shooting & reading…

Last week I finally got my hands on Sabrina Sabrok! I’ve followed her on Instagram for awhile and she texted me that she’s in Mexico now. Obviously I invited her over for a shoot right away! The funny part is that our communication was in Spanglish. Her knowing a bit of English and my Spanish being what it is. In the end it ended up being awesome and so much fun!

Also performed a bit solo during last week 🙂

Been upgrading my workout sessions with Tanya. Some Crossfit and joined another gym for some more cardio and yoga. We take our workouts very seriously 😉

Been reading a lot, and my favorite was this book called ‘Perfume: The Story of a Murderer’ by Patrick Suskind. I’ve seen the movie and liked it too, but the book is even better! I really recommend it!

From Goodreads “An acclaimed bestseller and international sensation, Patrick Suskind’s classic novel provokes a terrifying examination of what happens when one man’s indulgence in his greatest passion—his sense of smell—leads to murder.”

Another great read was ‘The Flicker Men’ by Ted Kosmatka. Exciting and recommend it.

From Goodreads “A quantum physicist shocks the world with a startling experiment, igniting a struggle between science and theology, free will and fate, and antagonizing forces not known to exist.”

After reading ‘The Flicker Me’n I got interested in quantum physics and some philosophy. Googled some books and started reading ‘Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy’ by Simon Blackburn. Way too complicated for me and I put it down. If anyone has a recommendation on a more simple book on philosophy, please let me know 🙂 I did start reading ‘The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery (A Toltec Wisdom Book)’ and so far I love it.

Also read ‘Slow Horses’ by Mick Herron. First 50% was a bit slow, but it picked up in the end. I guess it’s a series now on Apple TV starring Gary Oldman (who I love) so I think I will end up liking the series more if I watch it.

From Goodreads: ‘The first book in CWA Gold Dagger Award-winning British espionage series starring a team of MI5 agents united by one common bond: They’ve screwed up royally and will do anything to redeem themselves.’

Oh, almost forgot, Happy 4th to everyone! 🙂 I’m going to eat now after doing 2 classes that kicked my ass this morning. I also have physical therapy for my shoulder later. I haven’t finished the website for Psychonaut Explorer, but I’ve started the work on it. Same thing with Instagram 🙂 Tomorrow receiving some t-shirts and pants and shooting more clothes on Wednesday!

Go be awesome!

XXX Puma Swede

3 weeks…

…into 2021. How’s it going? I’ve kept being very productive which I’m happy about. I also made a resolution to try new spots here in Puerto Rico. So far I’ve tried 2 new restaurants, 1 new bar, and finally went to the Puerto Rican Art Museum.

The Art Museum is really close and so cool. Can’t believe I haven’t made it there before. So worth a visit if you’re in town!

Pretty cool to see this Miss Universe thing at the Museum as well. I loved watching Miss Universe as a kid. I even had some thoughts that I might win the crown myself one day. Always dream big hahhaaaaa… According to the note here, Puerto Rico has had 4 Miss Universe titles. I just Googled it too and PR has actually won 5 titles! “The Miss Universe pageant began in 1952 and since then Puerto Rico has had 21 representatives classify in the finals, including 5 winners, 8 runners-up, 6 finalists and 2 semi-finalists. With 5 wins, Puerto Rico is the third country with the most wins behind USA (8 wins) and Venezuela (7 wins)”

A lot of shooting! Found an amazing photographer to shoot some Pussitive stuff. Waiting to get more pics, but here’s a couple.

Too bad there’s not always a pro photographer around. Sometimes you just have to do with yourself and a self timer! (And a couple of filters…)

And then there are the pics with less clothing and more “action”…

Still working out in the park. It’s going to be hard to go back to working out indoors. But when it gets hotter it will be nice when they blast that AC! Masha the Russian is a yoga pro and I try my best to even reach my big toe!

One of my favorite things here in Puerto Rico is all the animals you see out. On our street there is a cat lady. She has about 15 cats. They are always peeking down at you. The lady always explains to me which cat is mom to who, which ones are brothers etc… My favorite is this white one. Pretty sure it’s a mom… Or a sister… Or is this one a male?

And our next door neighbor has a cat too now. His name is Caramelo.

Took a new found friend on the walk around the fort the other day. There were so many iguanas! Never seen so many in one day. Obviously I tried to make them come to me and just as obviously they didn’t give a shit about me!

As much as I love animals, I wasn’t impressed finding this one in the bathroom one night! I never seen a spider this big here in Puerto Rico! Saw them in Bali, but didn’t know there are spiders like this one here.

My new found friend, Annie, took me to a bar I’ve never been to after our walk around the fort. It’s in Old San Juan and called The Canon Club. Really cool place and the drinks were great! There’s canons, parrots, a pool and they sometimes have bands playing there. Actually went there last night too because it’s just that great of a place 🙂

Me before The Canon Club and all the drinks… I could still stand and sit straight LMAO 😉

This is my shoe after last nigh…

Always reading and finished A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. This is an amazing book! One of the best/well written books I ever read. It just makes you feel so good! Read it!

What else? Oh, went to the tailor who helps me with the Pussitive clothing. Our communication is pretty limited because his English and my Spanish aren’t great. But we manage and I understood when he offered me a shot of these homemade Dominican specialties. I chose the one with bark inside and my throat burned the whole walk home. Need to get a bottle hahhaaaaa…

That’s about it. Taking and making a mini vacation next week. Trying out a nice hotel and (road) tripping a bit 🙂

All the best, Puma

Last day…

…before Christmas Eve. I’m in Sweden now and we expect Santa Claus to show up tomorrow, the 24th! Since it’s a well known fact that Santa is from Korvatunturi in Finland, he probably handles the Nordic countries before he deals with the rest of the world 😉 OK, before I jump to Christmas, I’ll share some Puerto Rican happening first… I just haven’t had the time between Tulum and Sweden.

We were all very grateful for good health and delicious food on Thanksgiving. Oh, it was nice to dress up a little too and be a bit fancy-pants for once. We ate at the restaurant 1919 at Condado Vanderbilt Hotel. One of my favorite meals is always a beef tartar and this one was superb! Sat outside after taking in the views of the ocean and big waves.

Since the gyms in PR now only are allowed to run at a 30% capacity, we taken to work out in the park. It’s sunny pretty much 360 days of the year in PR, you always get to work on your gains (and tan) in the sun. I also enjoy the big lizards that come really close to inspect on you.

By chance I also came across a yoga studio. I really liked when we did yoga in Mexico and I am always in the need of more mobility and stretching. A very chill place with great people. In some places people are so advanced, standing on their heads and shit, I feel like I’m there by a mistake. This place suits me perfect as it mostly pretty basic yoga moves and no one asks me to stand on my head!

Rented paddled boards one day too and went out on the lagoon. I love the Puerto Ricans who strap coolers and containers on their boards and then have a picnic on the water. One day I will try this out with a pizza and a couple of local Medalla beers! A couple will be enough or I’ll fall off the board 🙂

Of course there’s not a week without me creating content.

Sometimes I’m bad at exploring the places closest to me. Always think I have to cross the globe to find something new and exciting. Took a walk and never knew there was a beautiful walkway around the fort in Old San Juan. WOW. The best part is that there are so many cats there. A local cat sanctuary feeds them here and some of them are super friendly and come up to you. I wish I could take them all home with me!

Since I was in this exploring mood, we also tried a new restaurant close to us where we’ve never been. It’s called Jungle Bird and it’s this funky little place. They always update their menu, hence the menu written on boards they bring to you. Same with the drinks, so you most likely get to try something new if you go back. I definitely will 🙂

Couple of more selfies. Can’t waste the opportunity when you got your face paint on 🙂

It’s been busy days here in Sweden. Shooting for the new project which we plan to launch fully in January. More info coming, but please follow us on Instagram ~ @pussitive_

Will try to squeeze in one more post before 2020 ends. I had a week in LA before Sweden, some Christmas pics and probably some other randomness 🙂 Now off to get in Xmas spirit 🙂

Wish you all the very best! Stay naughty cause it’s so much more fun 😉

Kisses, Puma