No rest for the ones…

…who like to max out life 🙂

First get the work done, and if work includes skimpy outfits, even better 🙂

Hard to get there, but always a rewarding feeling when done at the gym!

I also felt that I’ve had a tight back, so I went to see the physical therapist. It was so painful to be massaged on some spots, so he suggested dry needling. Never done it and I don’t like needles. Not very pleasant, but damn it felt good afterwards! Going back for more next week 🙂 Look at the video if you have a needle fetish 😉

My hair required some deep treatment so like always, Angel took care of it.

Right before I took off to Sweden, I went to a store close to where I live. I’ve never been there because I thought they only sold lamps. One day I decided to go in and check it out since I pass it a lot. Started to talk with the owner and she’s selling all kinds of fun stuff there. Also clothing. Long story short, I showed her my stuff and she asked me if she can have some items in her store. I gave her some jackets, tops and pants. When I got back from Sweden she texted and said she almost sold everything I gave her. Wohoooo, that’s so cool. So now I’m working on some Mexican themed jackets among other things to give her 🙂

And Hunter felt it was necessary for him to be present and ‘help’ out…

Some friends have been visiting Mexico city too. A really fun couple and their kids from Puerto Rico. On Friday us girls dressed up and went to see the ‘Barbie’ movie. So much fun 🙂

Afterwards we ended up at Chucky Cheese. I love playing their games! Apparently I don’t fit into child seats/chair or whatever they’re called anymore…

Then a late night dinner and the orange wig gave up…

And there’s always coffee and selfies…

Had dinner with Sabrina and her husband too. We are planning some fun things together 🙂 To be revealed soon…

And leftovers…

This about concludes it. Oh, microdosed a couple of times too. Will write a separate post about it because I got some interesting thoughts from it 🙂 OK, let’s see what next week brings on 🙂

XXX Puma


Like I wrote in the previous post, it was busy in Sweden. I wanted to hang with my family and see all of my friends. And squeeze in work…First off was dinner with one of our cousins. Walked home after and I got to witness a beautiful sunset over Stockholm…

Then off to my friend Katrin’s summer house in the Archipelago. It’s on a small island with a few other houses. It’s super relaxing there. Or at least it was until her sister, husband, and their dad with a horde of kids arrived hahhaaa… We thought it would be a great idea to eat by the water as the sun was shining. Well, 15 minutes later it was storming! Typical Swedish summer 😉

Katrin isn’t even a Finn, but she has a sauna. Pretty much everyone went in and then swam in the ocean. Can’t think of many things that beat a sauna and swimming after! Spent the night and had a beautiful sunny day the next morning. Chilling by the pool and tried cheating the kids in poker hahhaaa… Then boating back…

Then off to see my friend Linda. Every summer we are pretty much the same gang who gets together for bbq and catch up.

Also did a road trip with Mark and we went up north to Hudiksvall to celebrate our friend Anton. We didn’t say I was coming too, so it was fun surprising him. Very fun party and we all snuggled up to Anton when the guy had enough of the celebration hahhaaa…

When in Sweden, my must have food is meatballs. Had them more than once at the same place 🙂

Hung out with my oldest friend Karina a few times. I’m lucky to have friends with such great places that I can crash when visiting. There’s also a sauna down by the water that we usually put to use, but it was hot enough outside…

One of my favorite places to visit when in Stockholm is Fotografiska (The Contemporary Museum of Photography). My sister likes it too, so we went and saw the Peter Lindbergh exhibition and others.

I also went and checked my hearing. For those who don’t know, I have a hearing aid. This might actually be the first time I’m admitting it hahahaa… Been kind of embarrassed over it for some reason. Anyways, I’ve had it for about 8 years, but I don’t use it a lot. A lot of my friends were pointing out now that they have to repeat themselves often because I don’t hear what they are saying, or I hear something completely different. My hearing has gotten worse, and they adjusted my hearing aid. At the same time they told me that there are new and improved hearing aids now. With bluetooth and a charging case so you don’t need the tiny ass batteries anymore. So that’s on my list to fix now, an upgraded hearing aid. Sexy!

The last weekend in Stockholm, I went to a 90’s music festival with Katrin and some other friends. We wanted to dress in 90’s outfits, but what was the style of the 90’s? I had a mixture of clothes and I had my sister ‘waffle’ my hair. Not sure you call it that in English, but in Swedish it was called ‘våffla håret’ and I’m pretty sure I did that back in the 90’s 🙂

Afterwards we went out. The night ended with someone smoking some strong weed and thinking they’d been drugged. Had to point out that it was weed in a vape they smoked that they somehow completely had missed hahhaaaaa. My last pic in my camera from that night…

It’s always with mixed feelings when I pack up. I always wish I had at least 1-2 more weeks at home.

But then I’m also excited going back and I miss Hunter when I’m gone. I had a couple of interesting ‘work’ meetings while in Stockholm. We are working and polishing the idea now, and the plan is to pitch it in the beginning of September. Fingers crossed 🙂

Smooth flight back and I was happy I had Hunter to jet-lag with 🙂 He might have been more tired than I was…

I now have friends visiting from Puerto Rico which is great. Us girls are going to see the Barbie movie on Friday. Good to be back at the gym and in front of the camera 🙂 Catch ya’ all later!

Kisses, Puma

Mediocre week…

Got a lot of stuff done this week, but the week feels mediocre. I think it’s because I’ve been having this annoying pain still after my tooth removal. Can’t sleep a whole night, and wake up a couple of times and I either need painkillers or an icepack. I don’t like taking painkillers daily and I hope it will pass soon!

It was about time to get my roots fixed and I visited a new salon that’s run by 2 gringo sisters. Happy with the results mostly because the hairdresser’s assistant was awesome. The hairdresser herself didn’t even bother to come out and check the final result. Maybe she just knew how good she is 😉

Been feeling lazy at the gym. Like I would need a gallon of pre workout to get through it. At least the coffee before makes me believe I’m caffeinated and ready…

Shooting the usual smut…

Also some new Psychonaut stuff coming together…

Talked to friend back in Puerto Rico and she asked me how Mexico is. I always believe ‘showing’ is better than ‘telling’ so I brought out the Lucha Libre masks and shots of Mezcal went down. She was impressed and they’re hopefully coming to visit in July 🙂

The other day I also found 1 stitch left above my ear after the face-lift. Hard to see it because it was hidden amongst the hair. Obviously it had to be removed. Googled plastic surgeons and found a place. Was done in 5 minutes – awesome!

Finished the book ‘Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande’. I recommend everyone to read this. I personally wish I would’ve read this book when my mom was getting very ill. What questions to ask her, to find out what was important for her in the end. Great and informative read!

That was pretty much my week. I hope this coming week will be very productive 🙂 Got a cool shoot planned for Tuesday that I’m very excited for! I also hope to attend a special ceremony they have here in Mexico next weekend, fingers crossed!

I think this quote by Janis Joplin fits me great – “My business is to enjoy and have fun. And why not, if in the end, everything will end, right?”

All the best to you, Puma

Happy New Year :)

I’m only 2 weeks late wishing you that. Better late than never as they say right? How were your Holiday’s? Already broken some New Year’s Resolutions? Or did you bust into 2022 guns blazing?

Things here got busy during the Holidays. First of all I cooked my a*s off on Xmas-Eve. Rolled and cooked about 150 meatballs. But everyone loved the meatball sandwiches with the beet salad! And the Colombian empanadas were super tasty, so it was all a success 🙂 I haven’t had a meatball sandwich since Xmas, and I’d lick a toilet seat to get one right now!

The rest of Xmas flew by, and I have to say the Swedish traditions are a bit better. People were ordering pizza to eat on Xmas Day, and I felt I was mostly cleaning up after others. I love having people over and around me, but when they don’t clean up after themselves, I lose it a bit. Well, you live and learn 🙂

I did like visiting the Historic District during the Holidays. They know the meaning of bigger is better over here!

Need inspiration for your next nail design? They have a tent with like 80-100 people doing manicures in there!!! Take your pick…

On New Years we were supposed to go to a party. Everyone going had to get a Covid test. Well, turns out the host himself got his test back on NYE and was positive. Ooops, change of plans. Instead we had some people over at our place. Some food and drinks before 2022 wohoooo! It went so fast and I didn’t even snap one pic. But I shot these that I was supposed to post before NYE hahahaaaa….

Then I took off to LA and was hoping to get an interview date at any consulate in the US for a residency visa here in Mexico. Things are not always as easy I think they are. A lot of consulates have a huge backlog or don’t even have available dates for interviews. Finally I got lucky and now have a date next week in San Francisco. Flew back to Mexico because pretty much everyone in LA was getting Covid or locking themselves inside. Hard to get any shoots done. At least I got to hang with my bestie Sandy and her family. We did a day trip to Big Bear and that was awesome! Pics coming 🙂

Working hard before taking off to SF next week. Lived there for a year before Puerto Rico, so it’s going to be great to go back 🙂 Already planned a dinner with my friend Patricia there, and she just sent me a message that she popped her hip and ended up in ER yesterday. I love that she has the same humor as me! Nurse Puma is coming!

A couple of more left-over pics from 2021. Seeing the meatball sandwich pictures made me hungry and I need to go find some tacos now!

Laters, Puma

Another visitor & new adventures…

Masha from Russia, but living in Puerto Rico, made it to Mexico one week ago. With some friends, it feels like you’ve never been apart. I let Masha catch her breath for one day before we headed out for the volcano hike. We were picked up at 7am and headed to the Nevado National Park where the volcano is located. By the description of the hike, it sounded like a regular hike, maybe just a bit harder because of the altitude. No problema we thought…

Well, after making it about half way, the guide told us the real climb starts now. We were all pretty out of breath, but little did we know what was coming! Helmets on and up we went. The weather changed and it got really chilly and foggy. We where pretty much rock climbing without any kind of safety harnesses. It was a vertical climb at times, and there were patches of snow and ice. We climbed about 15 steps and then bent over breathing and trying to catch our breath. Knowing that if we stepped wrong, lost our grip and fell, we most likely would injure ourself very badly. We climbed to the top in the last pic!

When we made it to the top – WOW. Beautiful views and amazing feeling of accomplishment!

Then walking along the rim…

Marked the top, and look at the path we took down! Basically just loose sand and rocks coming down.

But we made it and it felt pretty good to be back down again! Next time I want to try to walk the whole ridge around the crater of the volcano.

This dog lives up in the mountains and followed us along the whole hike. Probably because we all kept feeding him 🙂 So cute!

Wined & dined some with Masha. The restaurant in the first pic is called Páramo. Their tacos and cocktails are amazing! First time there and will definitely go back like 50 times, so good!

Then we tried a Temazcal (sweat lodge). Very nice experience and it’s said to “illuminate a pathway into your inner self and begin a rebirth of love in your soul”. It was hosted in this beautiful ecological kind of garden/property.

After picking flowers and plants that attracted us, we listened to the Shaman and drank tea. Then we all entered the sweat lodge and sat in a circle. Hot coals where brought in and the entrance sealed off with a blanket. The Shaman talked and sang and it was translated to us. It got very hot and it was pitch black. We sat in there for about an hour and you felt very refreshed coming out. Some people had seen animals and the Shaman explained the meanings of different animals. I would do this again!

Squeezed in some more food, massages and Mexico City before Masha left yesterday morning…

Still had time to throw in some work between meals and adventure!

It’s always sad when friends and family leave 😦 My cure was to book a trip to LA next week and going to see my sister there and hang with wifey for a bit. Just a short trip and might be the last one abroad for this year. I do plan to squeeze in a mini-vacay somewhere in Mexico too before 2021 is done 🙂

And as a reminder, bigger is usually better! Just look at this giant cactus hahahaaaa…

XXX Puma

City of Angels

It was 10 busy days in LA! I have tried to catch up on sleep this weekend after coming back to Mexico on Friday night. There was a birthday brunch here on Saturday that required some recovery as well hahahaaa…

It was so great to see my best friend Sandy and her family again. I always stay with them when in LA and I feel like I’m part of her family 🙂 So much catching up to do and kids were ready with Barbies within 10 minutes of my arrival. I have my own Barbie there, named Barbara, and somehow the kids always remember that and I always have to play with Barbara.

There was a lot of shooting while in town. So spoiled that Sandy is the best make-up artist and fixed my face up every time 🙂 Here are just a few samples.

The hot brunette is Silvia Saige – yummy! And she has two super sweet cats too that I was running after almost as much as Silvia LOL…

I also shot a whole day with one of my all-time favorites Courtney Taylor! She’s just so damn hot and also so much fun. We were laughing so hard and the day flew by too fast! The photographer has all the pics so I’ll show them later.

Also flew out a day to shoot in Phoenix. The photographer makes you look your best. Even though he pays, he always shares some pics with the model that she can use. Not always the case with photographers. Here are a couple 🙂

And a couple of my selfies from that day… Not quite the same quality and elegance!

I think we maybe had 2 days that were a bit more chill. I threw on the bikini and tanned it up a bit.

Also did a round of shopping for some Pussitive stuff in Downtown. Afterwards met up with Jose who I became friends with in Puerto Rico. Found out through IG he was visiting LA at the same time as me. So good seeing him!

As always Sandy and I did one night out. It was her husband’s birthday and we celebrated pretty hard at Paris Tokyo in Beverly Hills. I only have this one pic of us before it got out of control hahahaaa… I can just say that the next day I woke up with half the birthday cake in my bra, hair, and clothes! But we had fun, all that matters!

And all too fast the ten days were gone! Hopefully I go back very soon 🙂

By the way, watched ‘Dune’ this weekend and reading the book. Wow, can recommend both! Have you read the book or seen the movie?

OK, time to hit the gym and get this week started off strong!

Kisses, Puma

Earthquake & new friend

Experienced my strongest earthquake yet. Even though I felt them when living in LA and Puerto Rico, this one in Mexico was much stronger! It was Tuesday night and we were watching TV. There’s an alarm that sounds right before it starts shaking, but we didn’t hear it. All of a sudden the couch was swaying. The security downstairs called on the intercom and told us to hurry outside. Luckily everyone was dressed. Made me realize there must be people having to run outside pretty much naked. It felt like walking on a boat out on the ocean as it swayed some more when we headed out. Then all the power went out except for some lights powered by a generator. Everyone was out on the street and some in pyjamas’s and slippers.

It was safe to head back in after about 10min they said. Slept with a bag and clothes next to the bed in case there would be aftershocks. Luckily there was none!

It was good to catch up on work this week. Shooting and going through pics from the Pussitive shoot.

Also got my lashes done, mani + pedicure, dental visit and scheduled to fix a broken cap in 2 weeks. On Friday I had planned a dinner with a girl who I have common friends in LA with. We met up at a hip Greek restaurant called Nostos. So much fun meeting someone with common friends since you pretty much already know they’re going to be great since your friends like her 🙂 Fun dinner with Jenna and I got a new favorite drink now – Carajillo. Espresso and a Licor 43. Supposedly Licor 43 is supposed to contain 43 different ingredients. Not sure if it’s true or not, but the drink is dangerously good!

Luckily I don’t always drink espressos with alcohol! Found a new cafe yesterday with super good coffee (even without liqueur) – Constela.

Also found this cute Hungarian cafe. Just scoped it out and haven’t tried it yet, but I will! It’s special since my best friend Sandy in LA is Hungarian 🙂

And sometimes I just give in to my sugar cravings hahahaaaa… I did not feel well after finishing almost everything, but it was worth the satisfaction at the moment!

That’s about it for this week. BUT, tomorrow is my birthday wohooo 🙂 For the first time it’s starting to dawn on me that I might be considered old eeeek… I don’t feel that old, but the numbers speak for themselves. I might be half way through life. Just to convince myself, I’ll post some pics that was taken when I was in Vegas visiting Sophie Dee. All youthful with pink hair. Still got it right? RIGHT???? Hahhaaaa…

Going to work some more now and later heading out for some BBQ. Next week is also Mexico’s Independence Day so I hope to celebrate that too 🙂 Never pass an opportunity to celebrate!

Hasta la vista!


My sis visiting!

My sister was visiting for almost 2 weeks and we made the most of it! Our first activity was to go watch some Lucha Libre ‘fighting’. Booked it as an Airbnb experience and had a great guy who explained some of the history and rules to us. Very interesting and I recommend to go watch and learn some about it. Not just watch the movie Nacho Libre 😉

Next up was a day trip to some hot springs and subterranean caves. We were picked up at 6.30am and it was about a 3,5h drive out there. There were already 2 people in the little car + the driver, so it was a very tight 3,5h ride. Luckily we stopped for breakfast, coffee, water shoes, and plastic pouches to protect our phones.

And finally we arrived!

Wait, let me just throw a few poses before we go down to the pools!

There were several pools to choose from and my sister and I found our own private pool to soak in. So relaxing and there were beautiful views. Not just the views of me that is…

The area is pretty big and you could walk around and go into large caves. Someone told me to get under this waterfall because it was like getting a massage. Sure, and I luckily grabbed my bikini bottoms last minute, right when they were going to be washed off too…

Then we jumped into a small bus that transported us to the other caves. There had been a lot of rain so we couldn’t enter the cave at the bottom. Normally the water is all clear there too, but now it was all muddy. I loved the waterfall above its’ entrance.

Luckily there was another cave higher up. We were told to turn on our flashlights on our phones because it was pitch-black when you stumbled deeper in. It looked like the cave came to an end, but then our guide asked who wanted to crawl in to a super small cave. YES! It was tight sliding in with your feet first, but wow, so worth it. Like a private little sauna in the mountain. Barely fit 4 people. No space for anyone with claustrophobia, that’s for sure! We turned our flashlights off and you couldn’t see your hand even if it touched your face.

Plenty of food and drink places there to choose from. First time trying Dorilocos. Saw a lady eating them and asked what it was. Basically a bag of Doritos and then you put in carrots, some spicy nuts, jicama and hot sauce. (Bet you can put in a whatever you fancy). WOW WOW WOW!!!! So tasty! Washed it down with a Pina Colada 🙂

The day came to an end and as we were walking back to the car we spotted this animal. Didn’t give a shit about us, my leftover Doritos or a raw banana hahahaaa…

Great day except for the 7h ride there and back in the tiny car. Both me and my sister exited the car looking like two cramped up Cheez doodles!

Showed my sis some of the different parts of the city, we ate, drank, shopped and enjoyed hanging out together!

Can’t all be just chilling and relaxing. With my sisters jetlag in control we worked on Pussitive. Shooting and planning. We’ve been lagging a bit, but got a bunch of new stuff coming now, so it’s time to grind!

Sometimes catching more than just Pussitive in the pictures…

It was so great having my sister here! We are very close and it’s always hard to say good bye. Luckily it’s not too long before we get to see each other again 🙂

After my sister flew back to Sweden time to catch up on work and working out 🙂

Last night I went out to dinner and drinks with a couple of friends visiting from Puerto Rico. Had 2 Mescal drinks and that was enough for me to sleep in and totally forget I had an interview this morning at 8am 😦 It was about my book now being available as an audio book in Finnish too wohoooo 🙂 In case you’re a Finn – here’s the cover and I’ve been told you can get it at all the major audio book places 🙂

Now headed out to get a manicure and pedicure. On Thursday I got a dental appointment and Friday I’m getting more lashes. Damn, it would be so much easier if you could just Snapchat-filter yourself in real life!

This weeks dogs content and and this beautiful cat I saw at a market. I’m impressed by this guy handling 10 dogs on his own and everyone heading the same direction. Barely ever see or hear dogs fighting or growling at each other here either. I grew up with 2 male Rottweilers and I can’t even imagine them handling other male dogs possibly wanting to come close to sniff their butts! It would of turned in to a Carne Molida

Catch you later with new claws and lashes 🙂


Puerto Rico –> Mexico

Sunday evening In Mexico City. Arrived here exactly one week ago last Sunday night. I got everything packed although I had to go buy one more suitcase to fit everything 🙂 The espresso machine & coffee grinder just had to come (life essentials) so that was pretty much one suitcase.

Of course there was the last minute throwing stuff away that just didn’t fit. There was a huge black trash bag full of skimpy outfits.The next morning when I left to work out, I spot a pair of my metallic hotpants outside the entrance to my building. Weird I thought, they must’ve fallen out even though I tied the bag. When I passed the trash containers, all of my stuff had been spread out on the ground LOL… Guess no one was in need of any fishnets and neon colored lingerie 🙂

Sad that I had to leave my Xmas tree behind that served year around for 2 years now hahahaaaa…

Had to squeeze in one last beach day with Masha. Wow, found such a cool spot and stayed until the sun went down and we were all alone on the beach…

Finally came Sunday and time for Mexico. Good thing there are Uber XL’s 🙂

I love flying and getting the aerial view from above.

And look at this cool dog that boarded too hahhaaaaa…

And when you are Puma Swede, they give you your initial on you food tray. Or could’ve been just old regular Pepper & Salt if you lack imagination hahaahahaa…

Got called aside for an extra check up of all the luggage at Mexico City airport. They acted very casual when they packed up clear stripper heels, a coffee grinder and Pussitive merchandise. I’m just happy they didn’t pack up the bag with toys and vibrators LOL! One bag even gave up and had to be taped and put in a plastic bag.

I missed all the food here! Had to start out like a champion and went to Niddo. Wow, wow, wow!!!! It’s a must when here. Just look at these pancakes! It’s a super popular spot so be prepared to wait if you show up at popular times!

I have to give 2 more recommendations. Casa Virginia and Anatol. Super great, tasty food & cocktails!

And my other favorite thing here is all the dogs everywhere!

But then I came across these 3 beauties. So cool and one of them started chewing down paper and some trash. They told me they eat everything. Made me think of the movie Snatch (great movie) and the guy that says:

“And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it’s no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies’ digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don’t want to go sievin’ through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, “as greedy as a pig.”

Between apartment hunting I got some photos and videos done…

That is pretty much everything from this past week in CDMX. Tomorrow viewing 4 apartments. Left an offer for one today and will see if it gets accepted tomorrow. Cross your fingers 🙂 Thought it would be easier to find a furnished place here, but the nicer apartments are all unfurnished. But hey, they got IKEA here!

XXX Puma

You know when…

…you have a lot to do, but instead you don’t do anything. I know I need to pack stuff up, but instead I just go through things, shuffle them around, and then go and have a coffee. At the same time I know I’m going to be pissed a couple of days before taking off leaving everything to the last minute. I haven’t been totally worthless though. I made 2 runs to the consignment store with stuff and probably threw out 10 big trash bags of junk.

I also want to make sure I have time to enjoy the beach before heading to Mexico City. Went to Piñones twice last week. One of my favorite beaches here in PR. Masha and I went after our workout one morning and there where only 5 other people there.

The next morning I went back with Annie. Guess I was so relaxed I forgot to even take one picture. But I did get a great tan!

I was on Instagram a couple of weeks ago and found a photographer here in PR. Liked his style of pics and after a couple of DM’s we finally shot last week. He also recommended a great make up artist so I just showed up and got taken care of 🙂

A very fun shoot. I like working with people that have humor and like to get creative. Will show you some more pro pics when I get them.

The next day I got emails with my Uber fare there and back. Going there was $74 and coming back less than $10. The driver going there missed an exit and we ended pretty far out and off route. I freaked out a little when I looked at my phone in the car and noticed I was very far off from my destination. With some Spanglish I understood he was waiting to exit and turn around. Luckily I didn’t get chopped up in the jungle this time either! Wrote Uber and they credited me $30. Not good enough. Wrote them back and finally my fare there matched my fare coming back.

Don’t have the luxury to always have a pro make up artist and photographer around. Have to settle for the DIY style at home 🙂

Almost finished with 2 books. Watched more TV the past week. Binge watched the series ‘Euphoria’. Didn’t think I’d like it, but it was great! Can’t wait to see the main character Zendaya in Dune when it’s released.

Also saw a great movie – ‘Another Round’ with Mads Mikkelsen. It’s a comedy drama and I loved it.

Just finished a big cup of coffee while writing this. Now shower and shoot some custom orders. In the afternoon Masha is picking me up and we’re going to some new beach she found 🙂 And I will try to pack a little too even though it’s so boring ugh…

Live it up!

XXX Puma