Shot a bunch…

this week. First time shooting with Fernando and we had so much fun. Here are some behind the scenes pics…

Then the weekly smut got produced…

Shot this amazing set (if I may say so myself) from Psychonaut Explorer and these patched-up jeans…

I went to the gym too, just forgot to take any pics. So busy trying to get those gains 😉

I went to a foot doctor, or whatever they are called, because I have some pain in a joint by the big toe. I don’t even know how to explain what’s going on there, just that he told me to go get custom made soles for my shoes. The soles are going to take the pressure off in the area that’s hurting. Got measured and they made prints of my big-ass feet.

Then I had a couple of phone calls with a psilocybin retreat in Jamaica. I’m going there in the end of May for about a week. I’m so excited as it’s my first time to Jamaica too. Can’t wait to share the experience. And this upcoming week I have a zoom meeting with some people about visiting more retreats. Fingers crossed. I hope that in the future I can host a retreat myself as I love and believe in the power of psychedelics and nature’s medicine 🙂 Any of you guys ever been to something similar?

Here in Mexico City you always run into cute dogs… And pigs 🙂 The pig apparently looks for chewing gum that she loves the owner told me. Sounds yummy 😉

But the cutest of them all is Hunter of course. In the last pic he’s sitting in the shower waiting for me to finish brushing my teeth so we can go to bed 🙂

I guess tomorrow is a holiday almost everywhere. Glad Valborg to Sweden and Hyvää Vappua to Finland. I don’t know what the holidays is called anywhere else. Something Feliz here in Mexico is my guess 🙂 Take care and catch you next Sunday!

XXX Puma

Back to work…

After a vacation I always feel motivated to work. And work out 🙂 It’s crazy how fast your (or at least mine) stamina and endurance declines from taking a week off. But I’m back at it!

Shooting and I love my Mexican flag bikini 🙂 But apparently it’s not OK to use the flag on a bikini. Or it might of been wearing a bikini in public… I’m not sure, but I think I’ll only wear it on the beach in the future 🙂

Working on the Psychonaut Explorer clothes too. I spread it all out in the living room trying patches here, painting a little bit there, and it’s all done under Hunter’s supervision hahhaaaa…

A lot of working in cafes. Perfect to fill up on caffeine while checking off the ‘to-do’ list…

On Friday there was gin tasting at the hair salon. This gin is called Fresco and is produced here in Mexico City. It’s super tasty with a fruity flavor. The night ended singing Spanish songs and I obviously sucked at it, but it was a great night 🙂

And Hunter is doing well 🙂 I get now when people are obsessing over their babies and kids! I love Hunter so much!!!

That was about it for this past week. I think this upcoming week will be about the same. Got a shoot with a great photographer planned, an interview for a documentary on Swedish radio, and then just working and busting my ass at the gym 🙂

How’s the weather where you’re at? A girl told me that it’s so funny that the Scandinavians are so obsessed with the weather and go nuts when the sun comes out. Yup, I remember living in Sweden. The stress to be outdoors when the sun was out. You don’t know when you’ll get it next. Plus after like 4-5 months of cold & darkness you get a bit crazy for the sun 🙂 Here in Mexico it’s pretty much sunny and warm all the time so I forget about it…

Kisses, Puma

Work, Party, Veins…

I feel like I got a lot of good work done these 2 weeks. I’m still working on this site, but a little stuck right now. Shot some Psychonaut Explorer stuff. Recruited the beautiful Elisa to model too 🙂

Trying to cut out my own text from these rhinestone sheets. Not the smoothest thing, but I like the result…

And then showed off my modeling skills. Hello America’s Next Top model…

And then the stuff that’s been making (most) people happy since 19XX …

I was invited to a party called Bresh on Friday with Dyana. Can’t believe I used to party and after party until the next day. Now I was happy eating tacos at 3am before going to sleep not being totally f*cked up . I think it’s called getting old 😦

Also feels good to be back at the gym. I didn’t work out while in LA, and then I was kind of sick for a week after. Damn it’s hard to get started again… ugh!

And not to forget Hunter S Thompson. I call him King of the Castle and he pretty much gets whatever he wants 🙂

Since he was living in the woods before I got him, I think he might of hurt his back legs at some point. He kind of just leaves them ‘hanging’ and the just plays with the front legs. Sometimes I also suspect he just might be a little lazy…

I found an awesome doctor here in Mexico City. He treats my shallow spider-veins on the legs with laser and injections. Tiny bit painful, but as we say in Swedish Рvill man vara f̴r man lida pin!

Other than this stuff I got a hair treatment, chilled in the park, and enjoyed some morning coffee in bed 🙂

Tonight I’m going to see the new John Wick movie. Also looking to plan a trip to Puerto Escondido. Everyone here says it is beautiful there and I miss the beach! And if anyone here has done overnight and multi day hiking in Switzerland, Slovakia, Norway or Finland, hit me up with recommendations please 🙂

Now, go on and have a great day!

XXX Puma


I was recommended a treatment called Morpheus. I’ve seen 2 friends who’ve done it on their face and they look amazing. I’m a bit impatient at times and decided to do it before my trip to Argentina. Now I’m not sure it was my brightest idea. The treatment is tiny needles with radiofrequency that puncture your skin at desired areas. This treatment is for stimulating collagen production, smoothing wrinkles etc. I did the procedure while they put me half asleep. Here’s me before…

And then me directly after. I asked for coffee as soon as I woke up and not groggy anymore…

I thought that this was kind of it. Maybe that I’d get a little bit more swollen and red. Well, I did get more swollen LOL…

Good thing my Russian friend Masha is almost a doctor and recommended Benadryl for the swelling. I’m still swollen, but it’s starting to settle. I’m flying tomorrow and hope I look a little bit more like my passport picture!

Before I swelled up like a bloated corpse, I got the necessary pics and videos done 🙂 Which reminds me that I should Google if there is a fetish for pregnant looking faces 😉

Mixed it up with some selfies…

And here are Hunters weekly dose of pics. Please note that he sometimes is too lazy to fully stand up and eat. He just gets his upper body up enough to reach the food, while the lower body still is in relax mode hahahaaa…

Also finished the embroidery of this custom Psychonaut Explorer jacket. I really enjoy embroidery. It’s very relaxing and I hope I’ll do more of it in the future…

That’s it for now. Gonna eat some more Benadryl and pack for tomorrow’s trip to Argentina. I have a couple of hikes booked there. One is an overnight hike and the second one is a 3 day hike. I’m so ready to be out in nature. If all goes according to plan, my next post will be from Patagonia 🙂

Until then, don’t f*ck up 😉

XXX Puma

Give Away

I’m so happy! Last week I finally picked up the t-shirts and pants that I produced here. They are so comfy and made out of the softest materials. Since I want everyone to have a chance to feel and wear these, I’m doing a GIVE AWAY on Instagram. You can win 2 t-shirts. One for you and your buddy, because you’re an awesome friend, right?

All you have to do is go to my Instagram for the clothes –> @pussitive_

  1. Like the Give Away post.
  2. Tag the amazeballs friend of yours who’d love this shirt.
  3. You both need to follow @pussitive_

Easy as that.

And if you just feel – ‘Naaah, I’m rich’ just go buy one right here –>

Here is the other t-shirt –>

What do you think?

Kisses, Puma

1st week of the year…

Did you start with a bang? I started hungover as f*ck and kind of felt disappointed at myself and wondering why I pretty much always overdo my celebrations. I somehow almost always feel that I could do juuust a liiittle more partying, peak a little higher and never feeling like I had enough. Well, I paid the price and was pretty immobile all of last Sunday.

I picked up my pace on Monday. I’ve been trying to get a Facebook account for Psychonaut Explorer and launch the shop function for FB & IG, and link them to my Shopify website. Easier said than done. So far it’s been countless emails to support, frustration, sometimes making small progress to then be stuck again. But I’m on it and my goal is to have it all running by the end of this month! Fingers, toes and body-parts crossed!

I met a new friend here. She saw my Psychonaut jackets and I’m making her a custom jacket. It will be so cool. Just some snippets of us trying patches on and positioning them…

I also got a new Spanish teacher so no mas Spanglish hahahaaa… Very nice guy from Colombia and I’m excited to improve my Spanish and hopefully be pretty fluent one day. That would mean I’m fluent in 4 languages. How many languages do you speak? I wish I knew Chinese. That would be badass!

Other than that I’ve been shooting…

Hit the gym too but then got a bit of flu or something and felt lethargic for a couple of days. Good thing there are great books and Hunter that never says no to keeping me company 🙂

My friend Dyana had a small get-together at her hair salon. I love when you meet new and interesting people. One hot chick owns a huge avocado farm. One was the head of cancer-treatments at a hospital. And I’m actually holding a virgin cocktail in this pic and proud that I’ve been smoke free for a week now! Wohoooo….

Now sitting at a cafe and later I’m doing some yoga at a friends house. I always forget to mention books that I’ve read and recommend. Will try to post a separate post about it this week. I’m always grateful if you have great reads to recommend and send them my way 🙂 Leave you with this pic of me exploring some super cool stuff in the VR!

Adiós y hasta luego!


2022 –> 2023

Sooo, we are almost done with this year. How was your 2022? Any plans or goals for 2023? What was the best thing that happened or that you did this year?

For me a couple of the most memorable things this year were my 2 hikes with my sister in Sweden. Not much beats being outdoors.

Adopting Hunter S Thompson. These pics are from this morning. He just loves getting as close as he can to my face 🙂

The Changa ceremony. I never experienced anything like it and it truly was mind altering.

I always love my trips to LA and seeing my wifey Sandy & her family. I feel like I’m part of their family 🙂 And I loved seeing more of Italy this summer… (and drinking their wine).

Also there was a lot of insightful and mind-bending trips on various ‘medicines’. Finally got to experience Peyote too 🙂

Lastly I’m very proud of launching Psychonaut Explorer.

In 2023 I hope to travel more. To see more of Mexico, and on my bucket list is to hike in Patagonia or Ireland. Maybe a part of Kungsleden in Sweden. It would be amazing to hike on Iceland too 🙂 I know I will do more mind expanding trips too and I have thoughts of obtaining the knowledge from Kambo and Iboga. I’m going to sign up for Spanish lessons again and improve my Spanglish. Continue my work and experimenting with Psychonaut Explorer. I have amazing fans so there will be more pics and videos being made as well. Mostly I hope to stay healthy because then anything can happen 🙂

I forgot to shoot NYE pics for this year so I’m reusing last years content. Being wasteful is so old anyways 😉

That’s it from me this year. I wish you an amazing New Years Eve whatever you get up to and that you’ll have an amazeballs start on 2023!!!

Get ready 2023, here I come!!!!

XXX Puma

What’s new?

Are you guys prepping for the holidays? What and where are you going to spend it? Doing anything special or no f*cks given? I got a bit homesick thinking of all the special Swedish foods we have for the holidays, the cold, snow and darkness. So what did I find? A Scandinavian holiday ‘something’ celebration in one of the WhatsApp groups. Turns out it was at a church with Christmas songs in Swedish, Finnish, and Danish. And the coolest part, the girls singing them were Mexicans and sang them perfectly. Very impressed! The other best part was that they sold ‘lussebullar’, cinnamon buns and Finnish ‘mustikkapiirakka’ which is blueberry pie. Obviously I bought a bunch and suddenly I wasn’t so homesick after all 🙂

Buuuut then yesterday morning I started craving again and googled where the IKEA store is here in Mexico City. Ordered an Uber and off I went. Bought so much Swedish candy that I had stomach pain the rest of the day. But it was well worth it hahhahaaa…

Pasts weeks work for the ‘spicy’ site 🙂

Also worked on Psychonaut Explorer shooting and created a Sale section on the website.

Found my way to the gym too and feel healthy and strong now 🙂 Also tried a new gym called Commando with my friend Dyana. It was awesome and felt like a morning disco with a workout!

Are you guys following the World Cup? There are a lot of Argentinians here in the City and they all seem to gather at this restaurant around the corner here and cheer the Argentinian team on.

And Hunter is doing great. I feel like I have a kid now. We love to chill on the balcony and take naps together. At night he expects his usual treat which is turkey slices with some Philadelphia cheese that I serve him on a napkin hahahaaa 🙂

A couple of selfies and this cute pig I ran into one night when out walking 🙂

Now going to eat some cured salmon and hit the gym. Going to do some Xmas gift shopping this week, work a lot, and then I have a small Swedish Xmas celebration with friends. I feel excited for this week and hope you will have an amazing week too 🙂

XXX Puma

Ball-less cat, news, football…

Hope all of my American readers had a fabulous Thanksgiving. I think we were 5 gringos (I count myself since I’m a US citizen) and the rest being Mexicans, British, Colombians, Ecuadorian and Argentinians. Fun night and I managed not to party too hardy 🙂

Also had my vajayjay checked for cancer. The correct term actually being having a pap smear. I’m very comfortable going to the gynecologist and this lady was superchill. I even asked if it was OK for me to film and take pics and she happily posed along while digging in hahhaaaa… And she also did an ultrasound to check the ‘interior’ and luckily there was no baby found 😉

Hunter also had to go to the veterinarian for his private parts. I felt so bad to take him in knowing they were going to take his balls 😦 But everyone recommended me to do the procedure. He also has had some ‘episodes’ that to me felt like anxiety. Hoping it was all hormones and testosterone. I have now also put a collar with some calming scent on him and he has been chill and relaxed.

OK, while I’m at it, a couple more pics of Hunter. Poor guy wasn’t too impressed with me trying to dress him in a mini sombrero. Tried to tell him it was all for Mexico and to support them against Argentina in yesterday’s football match. Our support obviously didn’t matter since MEX lost 0-2.

Work has been good and fun 🙂

Did an interview for Shoutout Colorado a while back and it’s out now. Wanna read it, check out

Working on some new pieces for Psychonaut Explorer and Hunter is my sidekick when updating the website…

It was time to boost the color of my hair too…

I have a new favorite spot in town – Marne Panaderia. I’m actually sitting there now writing this. They have amazing French Toast and superb coffee!

l have read a lot and will try to put together a post of some recommendations. When not reading I watch White Lotus season 2, very good. The Industry season 2 is also great. Last one – The Peripheral, very interesting as I think we’ll see and start experiencing more virtual reality in the near future. And then I microdosed on some acid to reset for a new week 🙂

OK, done now. Going to order another coffee and get some more work done 🙂 Stay amazing!

XXX Puma

Fun Times

Sooo, other than doing the Changa ceremony a couple of weeks ago, I was invited to a Mexican ‘Día de Muertos’ celebration in Xochimilco. Like Halloween, but more about celebrating the dead than costumes and candy 🙂 We started by having some food and drinks in this tent in the middle of the farm fields.

There was an ofrenda and you could place photos of people or pets that have passed. An ofrenda is like an altar that you place the photos there so the dead can pass through from the other side and visit. You also place things they liked there too like chocolate, drinks, etc. People sang songs and we could then talk or send greetings to our dead. Very beautiful…

We also got these carved pumpkins to light up. Then we went to their field for flowers and got to pick some to places on graves.

After, we took very shallow boats through canals to the cemetery. I think they usually transport their crops on these boats. These pics are in color, but they look like black & white photos. Such eerie light. Very Halloweenie like 🙂

After like 20 min on the water we docked and walked to the cemetery. Wow, one of the coolest and most beautiful sights I’ve seen. So many flowers and lights. People sitting by the graves eating and playing songs the dead used to like. It wasn’t sad, more like a celebration of the ones that passed to the other side. Some graves didn’t have anything on them so we placed our flowers on them…

Very happy I got to see this and I think I will go visit a graveyard here each Halloween… And speaking about ofrendas. Someone had made this one for their dogs, fish & turtles on the side of a walkway. Love it!

Had to put in some work too. Don’t mind me, I’m just being sleazy over here…

Working on the gains too. They’re just not happening fast enough… Or at all?

Some work on Psychonaut Explorer too. And these t-shirts are hopefully ready this month. My favorite ingredients for some enlightenment LOL…

Then I got invited to an event for Guess and Marciano. Dyana who owns the hair salon where I do pretty much all my beautifications like hair, nails and lashes. She was sponsoring the event so I got to go and tag along. Luxury to get pimped out at the salon first. And to have Champagne before 8am. Suits me just fine…

Some beautifications require stronger means and went to get Botox with a friend. Friends that do Botox together, stay together 😉

I went to a private house concert. If I could add another talent to my already vast library of talents (maybe a joke), it would be to sing or play drums.

They have a lot of meet-ups here in the city. Everything from partying, ladies groups, hiking, selling things etc. Yesterday one of them invited who-ever-wants-to-come to a picnic in one of the parks. Decided to go and check it out and it was great. Met some really nice people. Some of us also went and checked out an art exhibition close by…

My favorite thing to do now is to cuddle with Hunter. He is just so sweet and has settled in just fine. He talks, eats and sleeps a lot 🙂 Even able to have the balcony door open and we like to relax out there together 🙂

That’s about it. I leave you with some giant blueberries and a Hulk-like me 🙂 Enjoy your Sunday and grab next week by the nuts & lips 😉

Kisses Puma